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W.A.S.P. "Wild Child"


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Back in the late 80's early 90's I worked in a record store part time for Xmas.One afternoon in a crowded store one of the guys I worked with part time put on a Wasp tape or CD (I dont remember much from then)and as it played for a bit the track that came on was F^#k like a beast.It took till the second verse before the people in the store figured what Blackie's lyrics were and then the fun started.We went from maybe 30 to 40 customers to 5 or 6 in about 30 seconds.Some moms hands over their kind ears as they ran out and quite a few people in the classical and jazz sections heading for the door.I guuess having the high end system we had really pumped out those lyrics.Well that album was taken off buy the manager around the second verse but the fun had already been done,I wish I had thought of that to make the store less busy.Never did find out if he did it on purpose or not,but I've always liked Wasps sound.

Also loved seeing Blackie in the movie " The Decline of Western Civilization Part II, The Metal Years" I bet his mom sitting buy the pool as he floated by on a pool chair was real proad of her son as he just opened a vodka bottle one after another and poured them right in his pie hole.

Again still dug their sound though.

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Also loved seeing Blackie in the movie " The Decline of Western Civilization Part II, The Metal Years" I bet his mom sitting buy the pool as he floated by on a pool chair was real proad of her son as he just opened a vodka bottle one after another and poured them right in his pie hole.

Again still dug their sound though.


That was Chris Holmes and yes... it was classic [biggrin]

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A trip back to the mid/late 80's cannot go by without getting ruined by the Vinnie Vincent Invasion. Vinnie was only just bearable in Kiss, this was a monstrosity.






Rumour has it that Vinnie received a Jackson meant for Randy Rhoads. A few years later at a gig, some fans asked him about it and he threw it under the tourbus wheel and told the driver to drive.


What a nice guy Vinnie was....

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You boys got me flashing back to my youth. Loved Akira's guitar work with Loudness. Good post guitarest! WASP is music I'm familiar with also CalMan.

I'm gonna go dig out my Loudness and Akira Albums now. LoL

I don't know how to post youtube vids on here, but If I did I would try to find RIOT - Loanshark. Sandy was the badass on drums!

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