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LP Standard buying question


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Hi Guys, hope you're all well


Quick question. I'm going to pull the trigger on an LP Standard. A reputable Ebay seller has a 2005 and a 2003 Standard (both near mint). However, a brand new LP Traditional is only slightly more expensive than the ones this guy is slinging. Does that sound normal? Which would you go for? (btw the Trad will probably have baked maple board)


Thanks :)

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If the new Traditional has the features you want and the difference in price isn't that much I would definitely buy a guitar I could play first over one from Ebay. I've had good luck with Ebay, but a used guitar I think is pushing your luck. the '03 and '05 Standard's will be weight relieved, the same as a new Traditional. There's several Traditional models, so you need to be sure which one your looking at and make sure it has the neck profile you want. I've read good and bad about pretty much every Gibson pickup, so the best thing is to play it and see if it suits your type of music. You can't do that on Ebay.

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Thanks guys. I pulled the trigger on an iced tea trad, rosewood fingerboard. It's pretty nice. Not 100% perfect finish-wise like my custom shop es-335, but pretty good. I'm running it through a 60s Fender blackface, Mike Bloomfield style - it sounds pretty good! I now wish I had bought an LP years ago.....

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Thanks guys. I pulled the trigger on an iced tea trad, rosewood fingerboard. It's pretty nice. Not 100% perfect finish-wise like my custom shop es-335, but pretty good. I'm running it through a 60s Fender blackface, Mike Bloomfield style - it sounds pretty good! I now wish I had bought an LP years ago.....


Contrats on your new guitar. Pictures are a must [thumbup]

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