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arch tops, which is better?


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ive been scouting around and an wondering which is better, a full hollow body,(casino etc)or the ones with the solid down the middle bit, as i noticed that the hollow ones have a bracer on the bottom to stop the strings pulling the stopbar out, and the others dont need this as its a solid fix,whats your thoughts? does sound outweigh strength? cheers-dan

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Better in terms of strength? As far as sound, they are two different animals. Full hollow bodies have a propensity to feedback at high volumes. Semi's are designed to defeat that to a certain extent. A Casino has P90 pickups, sonically quite different than the humbuckers usually found on the semi's.


My preference? A Casino, since I have one that I love. However, my next guitar will be a ES-335 type, as I want both. I may do what was unthinkable to me just a few months ago and sell my '70 SG to fund that purchase. I am a complete convert to the archtop side of the fence.


I have no concerns regarding the strength of the full hollow body Casino.

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It's all subjective, of course...and down to personal taste.


Personally (having owned both), I find an ES-335 type-guitar (with a centre-block) much more versatile than a full hollow-body (such as a Casino).


If, for example, you don't own a Les Paul, an ES-335 (or clone) will get you acceptably close, while also having the distinctive semi-hollow sound. I also think for blues there simply is no better design - clean or overdriven, there is just something about that design that oozes beautiful, wonderful tones.


Casinos (and other hollow-bodies) are their own animal, too. And for their adherents they are doubtless indispensable.


For me, however, if limited to owning one or the other (as I currently am) the ES-335 design wins out every time.


My 2009 Hagstrom Viking




...and stuff I've recorded with it: http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=1070452&content=music

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Hi Danmayberry,if I were you and already had a humbucker equipped guitar I`d lean towards the Casino,P-90s have such a unique sound that no other pickups are capable of making.Casinos are prone to feedback if you stand too close to the amp but then again John and George used to play Casinos using 100W Voxes and got no feedback.


@ Lord Summerisle: Beautiful Hagstrom you have there,I'm glad that they started making guitars again their necks are about the slimmest made.I have a '62 Hagstrom Corvette and a circa '64 Hagstrom II and I love those skinny necks.

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The question of which one is better only you can answer! I currently switch between an ES-175 a Wildkat and a Casino! All three are awesome in their own ways. The 175 and and Casino are completely hollow and sound great acoustic or plugged in! The Kat is semi and has a unique sound of its own but I only play plugged in. I use the Kat primarily for gigs due to the master volume and semi hollow handles feed back better but I like the over all sound of the Casino and 175 way better!

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