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Dog down..... thoughts for Johnt


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Sorry to hear the news Johnt. I'm a sucker for a good dog, wish I lived where I could have another. My first dog, Springer Spanial, was hit by a car about 1/2 hour before I got back from summer camp when I was 10, tooks weeks to get over. My second dog, when I was in college, an Irish setter, was stolen out of my parents' yard while I was visiting. My third dog, one of the smartest I've ever been around, part collie and part yellow lab, was shot by my friggin' neighbor, a hateful old man, for supposedly chasing his two draft horses. Both elephant sized animals who could have crused him whenever they felt like it. I had to go into the field, carry him out and bury him. I remember what that feel like and you have my sympathy my friend.

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I feel very sorry for your loss, John. I've lost many over the years and it's like losing a child. My Golden, Buddy, is going to be 13 in January and trust me, he is spoiled rotten and lives the life of luxury. He has bruises from being loved half to death. He takes glucosamine right alongside me every morning and eats pretty much what we eat. When he goes, I will be a basket case. Hopefully not soon.





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My Golden' date=' Buddy, is going to be 13 in January and trust me, he is spoiled rotten and lives the life of luxury. He has bruises from being loved half to death. He takes glucosamine right alongside me every morning and eats pretty much what we eat.




Man I can pretty much smell Buddy's breath over here -- you should've pointed him a bit away from the camera, Scott.


We know what it's like to lose your dog, having lost two a few years back. It really does hurt.



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Dear JohnT:


My wife and I wish to extend our sincere condolences on the loss of your beloved friend. In February of this year, we parted with our five year old Yorkie due to kidney disease and nothing can ever explain the despair we felt because we loved him more than life.


We have his ashes on our mantle with a proud little Beware of Dog sign, and in our kitchen/dining area we installed a nice digital photo frame and filled it with his pictures. In this way we feel he is still with us in some way - it comes on at 5:30 and he goes to bed at 8:30 and remembering all the cool stuff we did with him gives us at least small relief.


I would love to tell you the loss becomes bearable at some point. For us, even after 9 months we still have a lot of weak moments. Our current team of three dogs keeps us distracted and busy but I still wake in the middle of many nights and reach for the fellow who is no longer there.


I hope you will remember the good life you gave your wonderful dog and not focus on the memories of health problems or the unbearable memory of the end. We wish you well and hope you find comfort in the love of other things around you.


Thank you for loving your dog.



Will Senger and Rosella Bushnik

Enfield, NS, Canada

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John, very sorry to hear about your friend. I lost my 17 year old Pom. 7 months ago and am still trying to get over the sadness. One thing I did was go to www.petloss.com and went to their forum and found some very careing and loving individuals who understand exactly what I was going through. I don't know what I would have done without those really nice people. Again I am extremely sorry for your loss, and I hope you will feel better soon.

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I have only just learned of your tragic loss via these postings. I am so sorry for you and yours as I have had 3 such losses myself so know how much sadness they bring. The only relief one can get from such partings is the knowledge that your faithful pet had the best care and happiest life possible with those persons who adored him or her. Pets know how much they are loved as shown by the love they return. I know from our correspondence that you and yours had the love from your pet returned in spades.





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I am very sorry for your loss, johnt. Only 'doggy people' can truly understand the bond between you and your dearly departed dog. I am a big fan of Bloodhounds - have 2 of them, named Bocephus and Waylon - and I have lost a few in past years. It is, indeed, like losing a child or family member to some of us. My wife, Pam, also said to offer her condolences as well. We truly understand...

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My boys, Bocephus and Waylon...






Bocephus is wearing the Lynyrd Skynyrd hat...I hope these pics post, not quite sure if I did this right.


I've always loved Bloodhounds. I think from watching too many episodes of Hee-Haw? ha

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Do you know sometimes you people astound me?


Thank you so much for your comments, they are really appreciated.


Thank you for your suggestions too, like some others we are getting old hands at this, we've only ever really had rescue dogs and they've all made a good age. Lily was the first pedigree dog we have owned togther.


I don't know if that means anything.


Lily was a three year old Irish Wolfhound. My daughter took the three dogs out into the woods yesterday, Lily just keeled over and died. Heart I guess.


Sharon and I were both at work and rushed back but there was nothing to do except comfort my daughter and carry a 50 kilo dog 400 yds to the car.


As Aj and others will know a big dog leaves a big hole.


Sad day, still woke up at 2.30 this morning to let her out ( and I know that won't be the last time I do that)


Thanks again


Best wishes to all





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