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Battle of the Teles, round three

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I need a Tele...

Yes you do. I swear, Teles are brutally honest sounding electric guitars. They don't make anything easy for you and they hide nothing; if you screw up, you're going to know it. But, when you're swinging, they sure sound sweet.

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Hey jesse are you or your family in the "wine bussiness"? (sorry I dont know how it is called in english but I'm prety sure you'll understand what I mean). I ask becoause of the grapes... that's a great pic BTW.


we live in the wine capital of the world, lodi CA, so we grow our own grapes just for gits and shiggles, but we dont make our own wine


i know i cant compete with your tele, so i had to "arteest" my way, and i can never get closer then 2 votes damnit


teles are my 2nd fav guitar, just like a les paul, no frills, no trills, all bussness


except a les paul looks cool, a tele


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the way i see it, both of our teles are a lame color, but yours has a black pickgaurd, so it appears cooler because it isnt you everyday run-of-the-mill pickgaurd, but my tele has a real bridge, which is cooler then your strat bridge


eitherway, we are both going to get our arse kicked buy that 52 ri tele

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