lengle1981 Posted April 30, 2012 Posted April 30, 2012 ....Online at guitar warehouse for 3 pickup custon sg and I stumbled across a gibbo SG, looks nice and not a Gibson obviously, just wondering if you guys had ever run into any of these? Asked my mate and he seems to think they are tokai made
kidblast Posted May 1, 2012 Posted May 1, 2012 the Tokia' usually do say Tokia on the headstock, but the logo is sort of fashioned after the Gibson Log The Les Paul copies, used to be dubbed Love Rocks, very well built. check out this link for the SG: (not like what you describe however) http://profile.ultimate-guitar.com/Dutchan93/pictures/gear/893826/ but this one is more along the line that you are mentioning: http://www.google.com/imgres?hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=cKa&sa=X&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&biw=1223&bih=887&tbm=isch&prmd=imvnsfd&tbnid=5Yiz_oWSaRW78M:&imgrefurl=http://home.btclick.com/aguitar/images/productgalleries/Tokai/tokai_sg_custom.html&docid=o-UkHoIC2ljeoM&imgurl=http://home.btclick.com/aguitar/images/productgalleries/Tokai/images/tokai_sg_custom.jpg&w=1200&h=1600&ei=nvmfT93jNsLSgQf739iGDg&zoom=1&iact=rc&dur=373&sig=116092285121512162943&page=1&tbnh=172&tbnw=131&start=0&ndsp=25&ved=1t:429,r:1,s:0,i:101&tx=93&ty=124 I had a Tokia 57 strat copy back in the 80s, a GREAT guitar. I wound up selling it to help finance a 57 Custom Shop Time Machine Strat. Sort a wish I still had it some days. I don't have the time machine any more either, traded it for my 02 standard.
jonnyg Posted May 2, 2012 Posted May 2, 2012 I tried out a couple of Gibbo Les Pauls at Badlands guitars in Brighton. I didn't think they were anything special. Someone mentioned that they were made in the same Chinese factory as Vintage guitars but I don't know if that's true. They were about the same sort of quality, and cheaper, but they didn't have the Wilkinson hardware and pickups.
eggs Posted May 3, 2012 Posted May 3, 2012 I've never seen 'Gibbo' guitars in Oz But Tokai seem to get some good raps
Epi Rocks Posted May 3, 2012 Posted May 3, 2012 Here's one that's been on Ebay Aus. for a while. $599 plus postage. Item number: 360403144945 Wouldn't mind this one for myself. Paul
SNick Posted May 3, 2012 Posted May 3, 2012 I tried doing a search for GIBBO guitars and came up with nuttin. What's up with that?:mellow:
jonnyg Posted May 3, 2012 Posted May 3, 2012 I tried doing a search for GIBBO guitars and came up with nuttin. What's up with that?:mellow: Here's one. It's virtually identical to the Vintage V100HB.
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