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Trade Secrets


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Most folks here are probably familiar with Stewart-MacDonald,(stewmac.com) one of the best online sources for materials and tools for the repair and maintenance of guitars.


Stewmac publishes the "Trade Secrets" e-newletter, written by master repair/restoration specialist Dan Erlewine. Even if you don't do any of your own work beyond changing strings and polishing your guitar, this newsletter will give you a better understanding of what is involved in the repair and maintenance of your guitar(s).


I have no connections to stewmac, other than buying a lot of bits and piece from them, but I highly recommend you visit the website and sign up for the newsletter. It's free, but the tips it contains are priceless.

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Yep...a few weeks back I was looking at their truss rod restoration tool and emailed Dan a couple of times. He turned me on to the 'add a spacer' trick and lo and behold it appeared in the current newsletter. I couldn't stand the look of the oversized original Grover buttons on my '66 D18 and committed the mortal sin of collectors by buying and installing the vintage style Waverly machines. Apparently Waverly is a Stewmac owned entity. Good, good resource.

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I have a filter setup on my email that moves each issue of "Trade Secrets" into a special folder so I can save them all forever. I know they are explicitly selling every single tool or product that Dan uses in each issue, but it is such great information. And you can substitute lots of other materials and tools for many of the items and processes described. I think Stew-Mac is like the product "Goo Gone". It has a lot of hype that it will remove the gooey, sticky residue from stickers and labels and it really does work; like MAGIC! Of course it is just naptha which you can get at a fraction of the cost. Many of Stew-Mac's products and tools can be had much cheaper but the information is wonderful!

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