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My new project.. Turn a door into a guitar


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I reckon I may need a Rabswood in my flock one day... [thumbup]


Looking great dude. Love watching,



Hey, I had a friend who built himself a fine guitar when we were still in high school.

He formed his neck with a spoke shave.


May be faster than sanding to get down to your thickness quicker.


Just a thought.


Looking awesome Rabs.

Your words made me smile ... Thank you [thumbup]


Heres hoping for 2014 :D

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Great stuff Rabs, I really admire your perseverance and enthusiasm... [thumbup] Just noticing that this thread is getting a bit heavy and sometime takes a long while to load all the photos... You might want to change the size of the photos or make them less heavy pixel wise... Not sure what would be the best way to go...

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Great stuff Rabs, I really admire your perseverance and enthusiasm... [thumbup] Just noticing that this thread is getting a bit heavy and sometime takes a long while to load all the photos... You might want to change the size of the photos or make them less heavy pixel wise... Not sure what would be the best way to go...

Cheers man..


And yes I do resize my pics from 4mb to about 200kb.. I can make them smaller but not by much :)


I think all the really long threads sometimes take a while to load.. BUT I will end this thread when I get one finished so hopefully not too much longer [thumbup]

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Another brief update today.. I spent most of my time cutting more of that oak which takes ages and radiusing the fretboards...


So I did that on neckthrough 1 and 3 and marked them up ready for their fret markers



you can just about see the radius



Then I cut the rest of that oak neck down so its roughly to size and did its trussrod channel



BUT then while I was doing the last pass (as you should cut only a few mm depth at a time or it gets a bit rough)the bloody router bit broke.. Lol.. its a testament to how bloody hard this oak wood is






Now im not sure if that actually was the oak or that its because its the same bit ive been using for pretty much everything for the last year lol :) either way I decided to stop there.. I do actually have a 1/4" bit that came with my new router but I need to test that out first tomorrow before I finish this channel.


I have quite a production line going on at the moment :D



more tomorrow [thumbup]

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Hello again..


Today I did the headstock for Neckthrough 2 :D (thanks to all the input from everyone)...


So I printed a template.. sadly I had already cut this headstock down a bit so it didn't quite fit on but was close enough



I made templates for slightly different sizes as the one I am using for this headstock is a tad small



Just to make sure the tuners will still fit I measured a tuner peg and nut with washer




6mm exactly for the peg (spot on) and 10 for the washer.. so 2mm out each side but that will still fit




So all marked out



I cut most of it off with my jigsaw and then finished the rest with files



using a small file for the finer detail






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So this did come out slightly different from the template BUT I kinda like it.. I will still work on this design and perfect it so this shape will be slightly different to my final design..




And using the template and my router with a template bit... Here we go :D


I need to smooth some of the curves out a bit as this headstock was already a but too small for the shape.. but I will make it look nice.. What do you reckon









I had to stop there today.. so... more on the morrow [thumbup]

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This really is a ''Ripping yarn''....great stuff.


Wish I had the talent/ability to do this,alas my fruitbowl (woodwork at school) was only fit to be used as an ashtray.

Cheers man..


And I would say that if you have the ability to learn to play the guitar then you should be able to learn how to build one :)


Most of what I do is practice and logic :)

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Hello again..


Today I was doing bits and bobs again..


I had made a slight blunder when I accidentally chipped off a bit of the fretboard [crying] but I fixed it and all is well.. I even went back and had a look at that fretboard I screwed up a short while back on build 2 and managed to get something from that too.. At least all of this gives me a chance to test my restoration skills :)


So heres me doing the fret markers again.. I wont go into the whole thing as we all know how that's done :)


heres the chip



so I used superglue to stick it back down and squeezed it with a clamp for about 10 seconds (cos it dries real fast) so it fit properly and squarely back.. I then left that to dry and got on with some other stuff



Heres the two I was working on all drilled glued and drying



Heres that neck I screwed up.. basically at the time my router was playing up and it meant the holes for the inlays went all over the show... I had used it to test my fret press so had to take the fret out... You may have seen that before I put my frets in I make a small groove for them which I always say I do as if it needs re-fretting it means that you wont rip the fretboard out while doing so.. This is what happens when you don't make the groove (and no glue was used for this fret)




Here you can see the dot holes all over



So I used ebony sawdust that I saved and more superglue (superglue is great for this).



While that was drying I then went and cut the rest of that oak I have which I want to use for the body wings for neckthrough 3



man ive said it before and will again.. oak is so hard.. this is what it does to my jigsaw :)



Heres neckthrough 3 all cleaned up after its inlay install



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Heres a close up.. NICE :)



Heres neckthrough 2 with that chip pretty much dried so I drill for the side dot




Ok now back to that ebony board.. its pretty much dry so I sand it down



You can see the fills but that's because the fretboard is not cleaned up yet..



If I wet it slightly you can see what it will look like when I polish it all up..not bad huh :) and once the fret inlay is in you will barely notice it




And now back to that chip I glued in.. all cleaned up now



Sooo.. two necks ready for fretting and one ready to be re-done ... NICE :)



More tomorrow.

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Nice work, Rabs!


I'm guessing you learned a lesson from the first neck-through at the fretting stage and are going to put the frets on before you attach the 'wings' to the body next time?



Yes exactly [thumbup]

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Hello... and welcome :)


Today I was still at those darn fretboards... they do require quite a bit of work...


BUT today I got two finished which the first time I fretted took three days lol (like 15 hours)... today I did this lot in about 4-5.. so that's a good improvement :)


But first back to that ebony board.. I decided today to just go ahead and fill the rest of the holes so its more like starting a fresh.. So I filled and glued them up..



Back to that a bit later...


So next was to polish up the two neckthrough boards.. ohh shiny :)


Basically you just start with something like 60grit paper when you shape these which leaves loads of scratch marks.. so you just work your way through the grits.. 120, 240, 400 then a really high one between 600-1200 depending on how far you want to go



One done



and two done :D




Needs come cleaning up.. I haven't rounded off the edges or levelled (YET)... I think I may wait till a bit further down to finish those






So back to that ebony board.. Here you can see all holes filled.. and I have just started to sand it down



and I keep going until you can barely see the fills



So that's cool build 2 is back in play :) (I will probably start updating that thread again [thumbup] )


More soon.. have a great weekend :)

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They are coming along nicely! Keep up the good work! :)



All of the kind words and support from you and the good folk on here is well appreciated and does help motivate me..


So thanks to all who are watching and comment..



Have a great xmas and new year all [thumbup]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all and happy new year to you...


So im back after the xmas break and I now have a new toy.. An angle grinder :D


I tested it out today on neckthrough 3 (the oak one)... I just levelled one side of the body wing (roughly) and got the body almost to the right dimensions.


Heres what it looked like before



My grinder with a sanding disc attached (40 grit paper)



And literally after about one or two minutes I had it almost level



well better than it was anyway.. this would have taken more like 10-15 mins with the jigsaw as the wood is so hard.



Then I went at the body.. First it looked like this



and again after just a few mins I get it close to what I want.. again, this would have taken me so much longer to sand and file down (too thick for the jigsaw).. so im really loving this grinder.. very cool tool... I will do a neck with it soon.. but all of the finishing will still have to be done with sanders and files (man what I wouldn't give for a bench saw ;))



So that's it for today, just a quicky to ease me back into things :)


Back to work properly tomorrow [thumbup]

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Hello again all..


Been yet another slight delay.. been a bit ill for the last few weeks with a cold/flu type thing.. arrg.. I tried to get back to work properly today but it just wasn't happening since I am now left with bad stomach cramps and id rather not use powertools in that state.. oh well, hopefully back to normal tomorrow.


Anyway :)


Today I did get something done which was to glue the body wings to the neckthrough 3 build (the oak one).. so that's drying now and will be ready for me to cut tomorrow.



On top of that ive been ordering some bits and bobs so I am ready when the bodies are to get the hardware in


So I got a tele style control plate.. I found this one that came loaded so I don't have to buy all the bits separately.




Wilkinson tuners (that seem pretty good actually, we will see when I get them on)



And a Wilkinson roller bridge and stoptail and black output jack



As you can probably see I want to finish one of my guitars off with black hardware... and id love to do a red to black burst.. something like this



But instead of those bright red markers I have ordered these :) (jasper)



What do you reckon.. :)


Well that's it for today.. Just a quick update to let you all know im still at it (when not feeling ill :))... Hopefully more tomorrow [thumbup]

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Oh my! [wub] I am usually not a big fan of red, but if your paint scheme turns out like you plan that guitar will be HOT! Also, I like the tie in to the burst on the body with the fret markers! [thumbup]

Cheers [thumbup]


If I can make a guitar that even looks remotely like that I will be a happy man :)

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Love those fret markers and the black hardware. [thumbup]

Cheers.. And yeah the second I saw them online my eyes lit up :) I know they are dark, so on a RW or Ebony board they wont stand out that much, but who really needs fret markers on the board when you have side dots :) so its just cosmetic really.


They arrived today.. REAL nice :)



Also up until now ive been using pearloid dots (plastic MOP substitute).. Today I also got some proper MOP dots just to try it out and see if it makes much difference.... And the difference I think is subtle.. We will see what they look like once installed I guess


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