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wheres aussie?


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just thinkin that euroaussie hasnt been around .... has he been banned ? :)


Probably marvelling at his regained freedom on the AGF boards, now he has posting rights again.. :D :D :D I seen posts from him the other day though....


There's another one that's been pretty quiet too! It was ABBA week on the xfactor though, maybe his ice has melted.....

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If you've tried one, you've tried most...


I'm looking at this guitar / My guitar is better than your guitar,

my brand choice s better than yours because I'm trying to convince you to buy the same as me so I feel further validated by my own choice.

I have issues with my pics / my pic choices are better than yours....

Has anyone seen this strap / Good lord that strap is all wrong, didn't you know you should be using this strap instead, I happen to have one myself...


On the upside you can marvel at the fragrant arrangement of topics people can summon up to do something other than actually play their guitar. :D

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i always am amazed by people doing that , sometimes sure its meant as a joke , but its strange how someone thinks another man is just insane because they dont want a huss and dalton or whatever it is that they have ... hilarious !

or geez man light gauge strings ?!!! i mean how insane !!


its a funny old world , good though

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I'm continuously amazed by what people will get into cliques on guitar forums about, especially strings, picks, straps, blah-blah... does anyone really care what other people play, I'm not sure, are they a sound enough bloke for a chit chat with? do they post music I like? Are they a handy player who's clips are cool? that's about the extent of it for me, anything above is banter...

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Yeah. He should stop sniffing the nitro. It's worse for you than the randan.


Don't knock the randan, apparently you do all sorts of travelling and horizon broadening whilst on it and you don't even know you've been at it... powerful stuff. I should have been at home with the Xfactor on and a block of ice given that it was ABBA week, but such was the call of my addiction to the art of revelry. It's a heavy burden to bare, brothers... you can thank your preferred deities that I have broad shoulders.

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I was out on the randan, haven't you heard I'm a relentless alcoholic apparently... It was news to me too! Must be where I've been taking all those trains that I have no recollection of. haw haw :D



If you were out on the randan, it's no wonder you can't remember taking those trains.


When will you Scots learn to speak English like civilised folk instead of whatever it is you speak? [biggrin]


(My ancestors in Shetland are rolling in their graves....)

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If you were out on the randan, it's no wonder you can't remember taking those trains.


I'm only just learning this now, Nick, although unaware of my covert side, I must admit I must be really good at it, my Mrs is totally in the dark about these activities too.


When will you Scots learn to speak English like civilised folk instead of whatever it is you speak? [biggrin]

When you Americans learn to spell correctly.... come on man, ye walked right into that one. :D


(My ancestors in Shetland are rolling in their graves....)


There be dragons!

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This would be a typical AGF post:


"If you are driving in your car, and there's lots of traffic, which brand and model of guitar would you mentally play to make time pass more quickly and why?"


There's a classic AGF post running at the moment: "Which Martin has the lowest volume?"

Good grief......

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If you were out on the randan, it's no wonder you can't remember taking those trains.


Hang on! There's a late ABBA song in there somewhere too...


When will you Scots learn to speak English like civilised folk instead of whatever it is you speak? [biggrin]


(My ancestors in Shetland are rolling in their graves....)


Isn't Shetland where ABBA come from too? Does this mean that you are related to Benny and Björn, Nick? Is there a J45 Anni-Frid and an SJ Agnetha out there somewhere?


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"If you are driving in your car, and there's lots of traffic, which brand and model of guitar would you mentally play to make time pass more quickly and why?"

Did you come up with this one Wily - have to say I like it.

Might choose short scale, even 12-fret.

Playing in a car btw, is not thebest.

A few summers back, I tested a 1967 Southern Jumbo on the back-seat of an automobile on a quiet little villa-road.

The owner was too paranoid to take any buyer home - he said he had treasures there and kept tellin' the Gibson had belonged to his deceased brother - not the cleverest way to present a guitar

Squeezed like a sardine in a can, I sat fumbling my way through the Angie-intro while he on the front-seat spiraled towards me – it got intense, , , luckily my psyche can take such scenes, he heheh. . .

Yet things got one degree absurder when I asked if I could screw off the adjustable saddle to see if everything was right and suddenly blew a string. Good lords - had this rather tough type been 15 years younger, he might have choked me on the spot.


Didn't buy – but saw the splendid sounding narrow nutted SJ on a shop-wall 6 months later. Easy to recognize by the much too worn mop-parallelogram-inlays.

Could be fun to run into it again. Have a stange feeling I will. . .



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