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Beauty of the Burst style photo!


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Hi Guys,


First off a BIG THANKSto Pippy for devoting his time and energy into taking these photographs and building this page.


Pippy and I decided to have a go at photographing a collection of our Les Paul guitars in the same/similar style to those guitars in the book by Yasuhiko Iwanade entitled "Beauty Of The Burst". We thought we could try and get the page as similar to those in the book as it shows those guitars in a very pleasing way...


Anyway here's the page which is still under construction with LOW RES photos. I thought I'd post to get peoples opinions and suggestions and any ideas... The bottom right will contain text about the guitar. When its finished I think it will look stunning!! [mellow]


Imagine it framed!!! :rolleyes:


What say you?




Kind Regards



And thanks again Pippy! Im stoked!! [tongue]




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And thanks again Pippy!..

Nah. It's always a pleasure to have you and your G0 around, Flight.




I'm working out proper sizes/gutters and other 'printer-speak' stuff.


I'll let you know when I've got it close.



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Nah. It's always a pleasure to have you and your G0 around, Flight.




I'm working out proper sizes/gutters and other 'printer-speak' stuff.


I'll let you know when I've got it close.




Finished and framed will look the Mutts Nuts!! [tongue]

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So Pippy, do we send you pics of our bursts, staged the same way, for inclusion in the project? The bursts of the Gibson Forums! B)



If the snaps are uniform enough from one member to the next it could be fun......


Flight and I spent a wee while deciding which exact style of images to go-for.

There were several photographers who contributed to the original book and these were all working to the same set of 'rules'.

As sure as fate, however, there are bound to be differences from one photographer's studio to another and differences abound; one or two main front lights etc...etc...

One constant was that the 3/4 view (the so-called 'Burst'-view) is always more harshly-lit, has more contrast and is darker. This is necessary to accent the 'Flame' or 'Figure'.


If I get a rough template sorted out in the next day or four I'll put up a thread with measurements noted so members can drop in snaps of their own guitars - Les Paul or not.


I did say IF, didn't I ? ? ? ? ?



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Post where you bought the background and the sku # or whatever and whoever wants in can buy it right? ;) ;)

The background is just a regular swathe of seamless b'g roll in 'Cloud Grey' from a photographic retailer in the King's X area of London called Calumet. Does that help anyone here in the slightest?


Alternatively loose stone chippings (in 18% grey) are available at all good hardware stores for those that think their driveway offers more in the way of 'snappy' opportunities........[thumbup]



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I'm trying to work out a basic template so that anyone who fancies the idea can essentially just drop-n-drag their images into the appropriate spaces.

This is the closest I've managed to get (still no text so far) to the original BOtB layout;




It's way past sleepy-time for me but I imagine anyone here can 'save as', stick in their own pride'n'joy and by tomorrow I expect to see at least two dozen mock-ups here...


Nighty-night, all.



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