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Ashokan Farewell


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This past week, my father-in-law passed away after a long illness. Many folks came from different parts of the country, including my wife's cousin, Kim Barnes. Kim is a musician from Atlanta by way of Nashville, and it was her idea that we play a few tunes at the service. Before she left for home, I wanted to just have a small recording done; I had never played with a fiddle player.


We recorded this the morning she left, very quickly before she ran out the door, using a simple Zoom H2n. The song is beautiful, and I hope you enjoy it.



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Thanks Fellas. I had the easy part - a few cowboy chords. I am so surprised at how good Kim is in person. Jeez I remember when she as an 8yr old kid at my wedding in 1990. She has been a houseguest since Wednesday, and my father in law's service was Thursday night. When I came home from work Thursday, she and my wife asked if we could play a few tunes at the service. No rehearsing or anything... last minute. I just had to be a good listener and follow her lead.

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Very nice! Thanks for sharing it with us.


I'm sorry to hear about your loss. I had a tough end to the year, too, having lost my mother the same week that my friends in the neighboring community of Newtown, CT suffered an unimaginable tragedy. In response, I've been working up a harp guitar arrangement of this tune.

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I had never heard the song before the last few days. It makes me wonder how many more beautiful songs I need to discover. Thank you all for your warm comments.



For many of us, first knowledge of this wonderful little waltz was as the theme for Ken Burns' "Civil War" series on PBS a few years ago. For those of us who are Southerners of Scots heritage, it taps into a lot of ancient feelings.

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sjl200, I was playing a Martin M-21, which is best described as a shallow jumbo. I love the guitar and am getting to know it. You have a good ear in that the guitar is rosewood, like the AJ500RE I have listed. That guitar may actually stay in the fold - kind-of. Going to give it my oldest son I think. The used market won't pay the amount of enjoyment it will be worth to him.

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beautiful piece of music, very well executed by both of you.It was nice for me to hear the name pronounced too...cause although i knew of the piece and have heard it on line a few times i'd never heard the name said...i was always pronouncing it Asho-KAN in my head...now I know the right way.Condolences to the family.

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My memories of fishing (and drinking) with my friend Gene on the Ashokan Reservoir have been rekindled. Hiding the Fosters 'oil can' beers from the NYC watershed police was the hard part. If you ever make the trek to Woodstock (don't know why anyone would anymore) from Kingston take 28A to drive around the 'res'. The Catskills are beautiful up in there. Peaceful.

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