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How Jackson Browne mic's his guitar


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I am always trying to get better live sound and bought a Oktava mc-012-01 mic (condensor) just because Jackson Browne said it's what he uses, lol. Does anyone have any idea how he mic's the guitar? Where does he point it, any other info? I think he uses it to augment his onboard electronics. I know he likes the Trance Amulet system, that is what he had put into the JB sig model.


Also, there are two end parts to this mic that you screw into the mic, I have no clue what each is for. If you do, let me know!


It's working okay for me and I have it pointed pretty much at the neck/body joint but would like to know more.

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When I saw JB in October, everything was plugged in-no mic on any guitar. I assume they all had the Trance Amulets in them. The Oktava 012 is a great mic for recording acoustic guitar, but I normally don't use condensor mics live on a guitar-too many feedback issues. The extra part with the mic (the one that is threaded on both ends) is a -10db pad that goes between the mic body and the actual capsule. The one with the screen is the actual capsule. Normally, you wouldn't use the pad for acoustic guitar-only loud sources, like for drum overheads or an electric guitar amp.I do have a friend that uses a single small diaphram condensor mic for his vocal and guitar and he has pretty good results. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try and the sound would be better than any pickup, including the Amulet.Just position it 8-12" from the neck/body joint and point it slightly toward the soundhole. That's usually the sweet spot. Best of luck.

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I saw him in Albuquerque just this past Tuesday night. We were front row center on the Mezzanine. My wife had a pair of small binoculars, and I checked out his mic placement. It was pencil condenser pointed at what looked like where the neck meets the body, or in that general location. It was hard to tell exactly, but that is what looked like to me. Hope this helps. Now if I had could just have a few of those guitars. Oh. My. God.


On a side note, he played from 7:30 to 10:30 PM with just a 15 to 20 minute intermission. Three great players with him. An amazing show.

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