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Problem with Gibson LPJ CS 2013


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Hello everybody,


These are the latest impressions of the new out of the box Gibson LPJ CS 2013.


Some very warm colors right there, the guitar plays and sounds incredible.


The LPJ has one fast neck, that's for sure !!


The neck pickup came this way, I do not know if I have to re adjust it or just leave it like that...


The back of the headstock stamp is clear now and the number is : 131920675 (sorry no photo)
















That's a rough looking guitar. I'd send it back. Even though it's a 'budget' Gibson, it should be perfect. You can buy a guitar for £250 that's built ten times better than that. eg, Michael Kelly guitars.

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That's a rough looking guitar. I'd send it back. Even though it's a 'budget' Gibson, it should be perfect. You can buy a guitar for £250 that's built ten times better than that. eg, Michael Kelly guitars.


Actually I just checked out the Michael Kelly guitars prices. There's no Michael Kelly guitar that costs 250 bp's and also built 10 times better.

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Gibson USA feel that the LPJ is worth a little over a thousand dollars and that isn't a 'budget, bargain-bin' price tag to me. It might be to that guy over there who owns several Les Paul's worth over 20 grand each but I'm not in that exclusive club.


It's an expensive ornament to hang up on a wall and nothing more. If my father didn't complete the job Gibson failed to finish themselves in their factories I would've thrown it in the garbage! It's an inexcusably bad instrument, period.

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Gibson USA feel that the LPJ is worth a little over a thousand dollars and that isn't a 'budget, bargain-bin' price tag to me. It might be to that guy over there who owns several Les Paul's worth over 20 grand each but I'm not in that exclusive club.


It's an expensive ornament to hang up on a wall and nothing more. If my father didn't complete the job Gibson failed to finish themselves in their factories I would've thrown it in the garbage! It's an inexcusably bad instrument, period.


It's not that bad, not to throw it in the garbage anyways. I get the fun I want from it. It has a very fast neck.


So according to you, Gibson puts out semi finished guitars all the time, no matter the pricetag ? Or just the LPJ ? Personaly I reckon the LPJ is the best Gibson ever judging by the looks and feel. I wouldn't care to go out and buy a better Gibson. This sounds as great as I want it to. Im squeezing in my feelings for the nasty fretboard work and I give way to that old pirate look thing the guy wrote above. It does strike some good moments of inspiration.....

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...Gibson puts out semi finished guitars all the time, no matter the pricetag? ...




I don't think so! Despite all the horror-stories that pop up here at the Forums time to time, I haven't seen any Gibson guitars with major failures (at my local shop at least). Minor flaws yes, not often tough. I have the (strong) feeling that major issues are associated with specific dealers. That's my assumption on things I've seen - I might be wrong!


I bought two new Gibsons unseen (pre-ordered) in 2010 and 2011. All they needed is a proper setup - but then which new instrument wouldn't? I live in a country which isn't on Gibson's map at all! With such a small demand, - that none of the major US makers would consider to satisfy - can You imagine we receive the hand-picked top quality models only?


Cheers... Bence


P.S.: I am not affiliated with Gibson Family of Brands in any way, and haven't been bribed by them (unfortunately :)). I am not even working in field of musical instrument business.

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It's not that bad, not to throw it in the garbage anyways. I get the fun I want from it. It has a very fast neck.


So according to you, Gibson puts out semi finished guitars all the time, no matter the pricetag ? Or just the LPJ ? Personaly I reckon the LPJ is the best Gibson ever judging by the looks and feel. I wouldn't care to go out and buy a better Gibson. This sounds as great as I want it to. Im squeezing in my feelings for the nasty fretboard work and I give way to that old pirate look thing the guy wrote above. It does strike some good moments of inspiration.....




Tonally, this is probably one of the best guitars I've ever used. In fact, I think it's fair to say that the LPJ is superior to my professional level American made instruments in that department and they cost thousands.


I agree, the neck is surprisingly fast too.


But I didn't get to appreciate any of that until my dad (a professional luthier) set it up to accommodate my style of playing. So it's his craftsmanship and skill, not Gibson's, that's made this guitar great in the end and now I can't imagine playing anything else.


I've had new frets and pickups installed and the action has been adjusted for high speed playing too. I love the way this guitar looks so much I just didn't want to give up on it.


Prior to that, the guitar was a disgrace, zero playability whatsoever. The action was a mile high and outside of senseless twanging it was useless for what I do and no amount of adjusting it made a difference.


A guy who plays snail paced 'campfire ballads' for girls and 60's throwbacks would probably love this guitar in it's native condition but it's 2013 and I don't roll that way.


From what I've read in this forum buying a Gibson is a gamble and guitarists either get a winner or end up with a dud. When the LPJ came to me it was a dud,


I stand by everything I've said and don't regret a word of it

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When I say 'unfinished' I'm not talking about it's appearance, I'm talking about the essentials that make a guitar playable.


The frets weren't level and the nut was a complete joke. They didn't even bother smoothing the fret edges (I cut my finger on one) and no one makes me bleed, no one [cursing]


But seriously, all kidding aside it aint cool. I spent half a grand to make my fingertip bleed.


Maybe that guy over there got 'the best LPJ in the history of Gibson USA omg omg' but I didn't, I lucked out and that's my bad. I had some money to burn this month and squandered it on a childish whim. So I'm not looking for any sympathy. I just want Gibson to pull their thumbs out and do a better job next time


If I ever buy another Gibson in the future hopefully it'll do what it says on the tin. This one did not. If however yours did? Congratulations.

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Did You take it back to the shop? If so what did they say?


What'd be the point in that? They would've just said 'duh! what are you talking about, duh, the guitar is fine! It must be your technique...' and stupidity would've occurred. I'm a professional session musician so my technique is never the issue. If it was, I wouldn't be an employable musician


This is marketed as an instrument of quality and these days the word 'quality' has been corrupted into meaning 'affordable' or 'cheap'. Quality to me means 'excellent craftsmanship' and that's what I expected from Gibson USA. It's the principal of the matter.


But at the same time, I bought the thing so it's my bad.

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What'd be the point in that? They would've just said 'duh! what are you talking about, duh, the guitar is fine! It must be your technique...' and stupidity would've occurred. I'm a professional session musician so my technique is never the issue. If it was, I wouldn't be an employable musician


This is marketed as an instrument of quality and these days the word 'quality' has been corrupted into meaning 'affordable' or 'cheap'. Quality to me means 'excellent craftsmanship' and that's what I expected from Gibson USA. It's the principal of the matter.


But at the same time, I bought the thing so it's my bad.


These instruments carry lifetime guarantee against faulty craftsmanship... Did You receive the card with?


However, if it was faulty why did You buy it? Sorry, I don't get it, did I missed something? Like You were forced to?

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I'm a professional session musician


Really? Because I would think a professional session musician exposed to all that professional stuff in a professinal session that occurs in a professional studio would know that "half a grand" barely buys a decent case here in 2013. I'd also think a guy like you would know that buying a guitar and having it set up, either the player himself like guys like me, or by a pro like other folks do, is not at all unusual since Gibson can't build guitars that suit everyone and you just never know what the clunks at the store have done to it either.


Good luck with it. I hope you maybe double down that "half a grand" next time you go out guitar buying.



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Really? Because I would think a professional session musician exposed to all that professional stuff in a professinal session that occurs in a professional studio would know that "half a grand" barely buys a decent case here in 2013. I'd also think a guy like you would know that buying a guitar and having it set up, either the player himself like guys like me, or by a pro like other folks do, is not at all unusual since Gibson can't build guitars that suit everyone and you just never know what the clunks at the store have done to it either.


Good luck with it. I hope you maybe double down that "half a grand" next time you go out guitar buying.




Ooh the blind assumption game, looks like I've rattled a little cage. I've got an hour to spare, mind if I play along?


You're probably sat there in a GIbson t-shirt with a Les Paul as your desktop wallpaper and that's why you've taken my critique personally.


You've never met me so you don't know what you're talking about. You're not Sherlock Holmes pal, get over it

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These instruments carry lifetime guarantee against faulty craftsmanship... Did You receive the card with?


However, if it was faulty why did You buy it? Sorry, I don't get it, did I missed something? Like You were forced to?


Oh but of course you don't get it, how could you when you're clearly intellectually superior to me...


I don't feel in the least bit undermined by your nonsense. If you must know, my girlfriend was out shopping and I sent her a text telling her to get it for me. Like I said above and I'll repeat it for you just in case English isn't your native language, be sure to read it slowly now, just in case it isn't absorbed!


I purchased the guitar on a childish whim because I had some money to burn this month.


I hope this helps with your inquiry, thank you and have a jolly good day.

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Attacking me wont change the fact that the LPJ is a feeble instrument that requires additional work to become a playable guitar. The only redeemable thing about this unfortunate product is in the fact that it has excellent tone woods.


I understand that some of you are devoted fans of this corporate brand and will feel compelled to show off how 'loyal you are' by being snide and condescending towards "the non believers", but I seriously doubt Gibson will employ you for it.


So terribly sorry...

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looks like I've rattled a little cage.


You haven't. You put it out there. I've known and worked with dozens of professional session musicians. All of them know the difference between a "half a grand" guitar and a "whole grand" guitar at least enough to save themselves a little embarrasment by not carping about it publicly. I've had my share of sub-700 dollar Gibsons. I know the difference between faded/worn/handrubbed bs finishes and paint. I know how much attention is paid to a 500 dollar guitar and how much attention is paid to a 2500 dollar guitar. I would think you would too, at least enough to spare yourself some public grousing that is only going to result in "What did you expect?" when you reveal your bona fides. Wear whatever shoe fits.



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Not if Gibson could employ me, anyways...


Nobody is attacking You. In fact - we were trying to come up with possible solutions to the problem. As it seems it didn't work out.


Have a nice day...

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Come on! No need to get personal...


Yes, sorry, You did mention that Your girlfriend was shopping for You - I forgot it!


Anyways, You can still claim Your money back.


It's cool man, hey listen I'm sorry if I offended you. I'm feisty I'm afraid


I've had the guitar customized so I can't return it now. The pickups were changed and the frets were replaced with something better.


Besides, my dad did such a good job that I honestly couldn't imagine playing another guitar! The LPJ honestly has some of the best tone woods I've encountered in an instrument. My father has worked with everyone from Slash to Keith Richards, so he knows how to bring out the best in a guitar and that's exactly what he's done here.

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Then the case is settled - I guess! Enjoy Your new guitar!


Your father's handwork involved, now this guitar has sentimental value as well. I have restored my vintage amplifiers together with my Dad. Well, actually He did most of the work. Those meant to be kept forever :)


Cheers... Bence

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Then the case is settled - I guess! Enjoy Your new guitar!


Your father's handwork involved, now this guitar has sentimental value as well. I have restored my vintage amplifiers together with my Dad. Well, actually He did most of the work. Those meant to be kept forever :)


Cheers... Bence


I love restoring things man! It's a huge passion of mine because I'm a sentimental kind of person. So I totally understand where you're coming from and it's why I didn't want to give up on this guitar.


I'm sure there's a bunch of LPJ's out there that are perfect and wonderful to play and I should've tried mine before purchasing it. So it really is my bad!


But in a way I'm glad this has happened because now I have an incredible guitar. I'm so impressed by the tonal qualities of this Gibson that I can fully understand why so many guitarists swear by this brand.

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Talking about family,


My Dad....


About my guitars

What the hell dya want these things for...


About my new car

Sell that godamn thing and go to work (been working with him for 20 years...)


About my motorcycle

Sell that godamn thing and buy a car !!


About my new Gibson LPJ

Didn't show him that one yet....hehe, but I will take a guess..."You have destroyed everything"

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Yes, same here! Hehe!


Parents know everything better! (Even when You are already 36 year old). :)


Sometimes they are right, of course! Often it's very disturbing. That's how it always will be, I guess.


"Why so many guitars?" - they right after all. :D


At least Dad can't complain about the choice of my car. I bought mine from Him :D


Cheers... Bence

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