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I got to spend an entire day with him one-on-one. We talked about cyclers. He certainly has a swagger about him but he's got the brains to back it up (Ph.D. from MIT). A lot of people say he's arrogant, but when you sit down with him he's pretty down to Earth. Maybe it was because we spoke the same rocket science mathematical language, but we hit it off pretty well.


Anyhow, he's right about everything he says. I was with a JPL engineer yesterday who worked on the thrusters for the Mars Curiosity propulsion system (the famous "7 minutes of terror"). He gives a lot of talks to young kids and they are just mesmerized about the entire mission. It was truly remarkable. Honestly I wouldn't have the guts to do what they did.


I told him what I told Buzz. NASA should have its budget doubled, which would be taken from the education budget. NASA will inspire more kids to become engineers than our current education approach. Both Buzz and this JPL engineer agree. Kids just love space stuff.

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THIS is one of the most amazing things I can think of that a space program might achieve.


Just think, not long ago, sending a man in space was quite a feat. But getting AXE's(trademark) gear into space, THAT kind of payload, is a step in itself.


The first Marshall to orbit the earth? It's worth study. What might it sound like? If ever, any attempt would be made to "hear" something in space, HIS rig just might be able to do it. What might it sound like from here? From Pluto? What COULD be amplified? How far would it travel?


I'm excited. It's the next logical step.

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