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Talk about lucid dreams


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Just had a very intense stressful nightmare... I'm with my band and we are getting ready for a gig, the venue is pretty cool, it's a small theater, great stage and the first gig we've played in a while. As it's getting close to gig time I realized I forgot my tuner... [scared] Don't know why I didn't have my robot guitar with me but I didn't. I had my LP Classic cherry burst plain top. I see a buddy of mine who used to be the guitar player in a band we had when I was in high school but I was the drummer back then. I go up to him and say, Jack I forgot my tuner you got one with you? He says to me you got a pencil? I thought it was strange but I found him a pencil and he starts to shave it down a bit. All I could think of was he was going to use the pencil to transfer vibrations from the guitar to his ear or something because he has perfect pitch. Any way he tunes the guitar so I feel cool about going on stage now. All of the sudden I'm in the lobby of the venue with my guitar and there is this guy applying some sort of wax to a fretboard of a guitar. Someone says, you should have that done to your guitar... I look over and see the band leader of my band so I wanted to ask him if he thought it was a good idea. The wax that was being applied looked like a big chunk of bees wax or something so I was thinking that could cause some major wax build up. I decided not to do it and went to get my guitar that I had set down near by. Turns out the guy applying wax on a guitars fret board was doing it to my guitar... [scared] [scared] I immediately got very agitated and thought I just tuned it up and he's going to throw it out of tune. Since he was already doing it I just asked him to hurry up. Then I notice the fretboard had been taken off my guitar and he had it in some sort of a gripping device... [scared] [scared] [scared] I went stellar and started yelling " don't you know I have a gig now how long is this going to take" People around the area start looking at me like I'm being unreasonable for yelling so I start to explain the situation. The guy finishes waxing and starts to put the fretboard back on my guitar and I see him carving out and installing a new binding... [blink] I loose it and say, just give me the damn thing as is, I gotta go to the gig. He hands me the guitar and the whole neck profile had been changed and it had a big creese running up the back of the guitar neck. Now I have really lost it thinking I'm not going to be able to play it now cause it's going to feel completely foreign... Anyway I go to get back to the stage and see big palm tree leaves have been carved out of wood and added to the head stock. At that point I'm thinking how am I going to go on stage with this, everyone will laugh. Someone asked me if they could take a picture of it. I said NO... NO pictures!!! I was really pissed (mad pissed not drunk pissed for you English guys). I was thinking I better check the tuning again and started looking for a tuner. At that point I asked a girl behind a desk if there was a tuner around and she tells me she can call for one as I'm hearing the band start playing without me.... ](*,) The tuner finally comes and as I'm trying to tune the guitar the whole thing starts coming apart at the seems. The dream goes on a bit more, basically it's me thinking how I'm going to sue the guy who did the work on the guitar. I woke up shortly after that and saw I had only slept 2 hours, tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't so I figured I'd share this with you all and wrote it down... I'll try to go back to bed in a little while... Cheers

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That's a different dream,lucid dreams are strange things indeed,they seem so real and nothing like regular dreams which we are said to have several of every night according to sleep researchers who have studdied E.E.G.s and R.E.M.s associated with them.In lucid dreams you actually feel that you ar conscious as all of your senses appear to be in a heightened state and you are keenl aware of everything around that goes on.They certainly can be very terrifying.


There is a type of dream in Newfoundland that has been the subject of many folklorists and even sleep researchers and psychologists and that is a dream that is refered to here as The Old Hag or just The Hag. The dream typically involves the person who is sleeping being paralyzed and unable to move as an evil old woman-The Hag-sits on them or holds them and they are unable to move or flee.I don't know of any other places in the world except for some counties in Ireland and England that have very similar types of dreams that have become imbedded in local culture and folklore.I have never googled it but I would imagine that it would be on google because so much research has gone into it. I had this type just twice in my life when I was only 6 or 7 and it was incredibly terrifying because it seemed so real and I was convinced that I couldn't move.


If any forum members know anyone from Newfoundland and Labrador just ask them about "The Hag" and I guarantee they'll know exactly what you're talking about and no doubt will have a few stories about it.

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Well this one was very real... I have had dreams that were so real that I said to myself this is just a dream but it seems so real, I'm going to touch something to see if it's solid so I grab or touch something and it is indeed very solid and very real but I'm dreaming... No hags though, that's all i need...

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the old hag dream is a world wide phenomenon just type it into google and watch the millions of hits come up. it has to do with sleep paralysis and that strange time between waking and sleeping when the body is unable to move as we transition from one stage to the other. The other thing that is strange about the old hag syndrome (it happens so often it is actually a syndrome) is how consistent the dream is no matter where the people are at or what country it is in. even stranger almost everybody thinks it common only to a certain region but it's one of the most common of all paralysis dreams for all races of people. in fact it's so common that some paranormal investigators feel it may be a race memory and similar to the ufo paralysis dreams which so many people explain again in almost identical details. Sleep paralysis is one of the primary things that people remember about nightmares mostly because it's a natural occurrence we all go through as our minds hand off the controls between the sleeping mind and the waking body. Everybody that sleeps deeply goes through sleep paralysis many times a night it's part of REM sleep where you mind is active but cut off from your body so it's not uncommon and it's definately not regional.


Ive been through at least 8 sleep studies that I can think of right off the top of my head in the last 20 years the first were to try and help me after that it was just to help researchers as I'm one of those strange people that rarely sleep. I average a hour or two per night and that's even during week and month long studies that's why you'll see me posting on here so often at 3 and 4 in the morning. I even go on bouts where ill sleep literally 15 or twenty minutes at a times a few times a night and that's it. The only time I sleep and dream actually are crash day's that I have one or two a month of where I'll get real groggy and then crash and sleep for a extended time period the longest was 16 hours in a study i was participating in by wearing a monitor and that was after sleeping about three hours in the four day's before I crashed.


Like I said they love to hook me up to monitors which is usually done more long term because when a study starts it trips my mind into gear and I can't shut it down, so it guarantee's a good three or four day bout without measurable sleep. strangely enough coffee and caffeine don't keep me up and sleep medications don't make me sleep. they don't know what really triggered it but it's become almost normal now except for my poor wife who wears earplugs and sleeps through my night cycle's. sure I get a good eight hors of sleep it just takes me about a week to do it.


Drugs don't work my typical night script is a Ambien, a low dosage of Clonazepam, a Percodan or Methadone for pain, and a muscle relaxer like Baclofen. with that on board after about three hours I can get a few hours of rest maybe 3 times a week usually between about 5am and 8 am . the average person would be asleep for day's on my med cycle but after years of chronic pain and and some PTSD issue's my brain doesn't transfer chemicals like Seratonin very well so I have little response.


it's not fun boys and girls so enjoy your sleep it's not something we all can take for granted like people think. and as for dreams I don't dream much and when I do there usually not good. they say everybody dreams and some don't remember but not true you don't dream if you don't reach a low enough cycle in the sleep chain. most sleep research people used to say there were four stages most now say five - I rarely get below stage two and REM doesn't occur until stage 5 so if your only costing through a few early stages of sleep where you wake and doze dreams don't occur and as such I don't really dream except a few day's a month. Strangely I can usually write down everything I do dream about almost word for word and it's usually something strange but real that I must pickup somewhere because most of it can be researched on the internet.


It used to bug me now I'm fine with it for the most part, it can be a drag and boring when you need to be quiet for hours but otherwise it's amazing how much you can get done if you take the pesky old sleep out of the picture.

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Dave. That dream you described is very much like the ones I was talking about in that other thread. Me or my band is trying to get ready to play, but something keeps stalling us and even if I/we get past one obstacle, another one pops up and we ultimately never end up playing.


I'm sure a psychologist would have some interpretation about unresolved issues or something. [blush]

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I Googled "lucid dreams" last night and found a slew of sites offering instruction on how to have lucid dreams and how to take control of them.A true lucid dream is not only very real but the subject is also aware that he is dreaming and in a lot of instances can take control of how the dream progresses and actually influence the outcome.

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the old hag dream is a world wide phenomenon just type it into google and watch the millions of hits come up. it has to do with sleep paralysis and that strange time between waking and sleeping when the body is unable to move as we transition from one stage to the other. The other thing that is strange about the old hag syndrome (it happens so often it is actually a syndrome) is how consistent the dream is no matter where the people are at or what country it is in. even stranger almost everybody thinks it common only to a certain region but it's one of the most common of all paralysis dreams for all races of people. in fact it's so common that some paranormal investigators feel it may be a race memory and similar to the ufo paralysis dreams which so many people explain again in almost identical details. Sleep paralysis is one of the primary things that people remember about nightmares mostly because it's a natural occurrence we all go through as our minds hand off the controls between the sleeping mind and the waking body. Everybody that sleeps deeply goes through sleep paralysis many times a night it's part of REM sleep where you mind is active but cut off from your body so it's not uncommon and it's definately not regional.


Ive been through at least 8 sleep studies that I can think of right off the top of my head in the last 20 years the first were to try and help me after that it was just to help researchers as I'm one of those strange people that rarely sleep. I average a hour or two per night and that's even during week and month long studies that's why you'll see me posting on here so often at 3 and 4 in the morning. I even go on bouts where ill sleep literally 15 or twenty minutes at a times a few times a night and that's it. The only time I sleep and dream actually are crash day's that I have one or two a month of where I'll get real groggy and then crash and sleep for a extended time period the longest was 16 hours in a study i was participating in by wearing a monitor and that was after sleeping about three hours in the four day's before I crashed.


Like I said they love to hook me up to monitors which is usually done more long term because when a study starts it trips my mind into gear and I can't shut it down, so it guarantee's a good three or four day bout without measurable sleep. strangely enough coffee and caffeine don't keep me up and sleep medications don't make me sleep. they don't know what really triggered it but it's become almost normal now except for my poor wife who wears earplugs and sleeps through my night cycle's. sure I get a good eight hors of sleep it just takes me about a week to do it.


Drugs don't work my typical night script is a Ambien, a low dosage of Clonazepam, a Percodan or Methadone for pain, and a muscle relaxer like Baclofen. with that on board after about three hours I can get a few hours of rest maybe 3 times a week usually between about 5am and 8 am . the average person would be asleep for day's on my med cycle but after years of chronic pain and and some PTSD issue's my brain doesn't transfer chemicals like Seratonin very well so I have little response.


it's not fun boys and girls so enjoy your sleep it's not something we all can take for granted like people think. and as for dreams I don't dream much and when I do there usually not good. they say everybody dreams and some don't remember but not true you don't dream if you don't reach a low enough cycle in the sleep chain. most sleep research people used to say there were four stages most now say five - I rarely get below stage two and REM doesn't occur until stage 5 so if your only costing through a few early stages of sleep where you wake and doze dreams don't occur and as such I don't really dream except a few day's a month. Strangely I can usually write down everything I do dream about almost word for word and it's usually something strange but real that I must pickup somewhere because most of it can be researched on the internet.


It used to bug me now I'm fine with it for the most part, it can be a drag and boring when you need to be quiet for hours but otherwise it's amazing how much you can get done if you take the pesky old sleep out of the picture.


You can get in some great practice time... Often times if I wake up early or can't sleep I'll go into my studio and practice guitar... That usually gets me sleepy enough after a while to go back to bed...

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I Googled "lucid dreams" last night and found a slew of sites offering instruction on how to have lucid dreams and how to take control of them.A true lucid dream is not only very real but the subject is also aware that he is dreaming and in a lot of instances can take control of how the dream progresses and actually influence the outcome.



Exactly,, there are very realistic dreams but not really what a lucid dream is..

Lucid dreaming is realizing you are dreaming first and then attempting to control it so you can do things like fly.

I played around with it 20 or so years ago in my younger days. It takes practice but it is very real and very doable.



There are lots of books out on the subject nowadays.

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I Googled "lucid dreams" last night and found a slew of sites offering instruction on how to have lucid dreams and how to take control of them.A true lucid dream is not only very real but the subject is also aware that he is dreaming and in a lot of instances can take control of how the dream progresses and actually influence the outcome.

Yup...and if at all possible, go liquid with it.


But with the possibility of the Hag lurking, I guess you not only need to be able to stay sleeping, but know how to wake up fast when it goes wrong.

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There is a type of dream in Newfoundland that has been the subject of many folklorists and even sleep researchers and psychologists and that is a dream that is refered to here as The Old Hag or just The Hag. The dream typically involves the person who is sleeping being paralyzed and unable to move as an evil old woman-The Hag-sits on them or holds them and they are unable to move or flee.I don't know of any other places in the world except for some counties in Ireland and England that have very similar types of dreams that have become imbedded in local culture and folklore.I have never googled it but I would imagine that it would be on google because so much research has gone into it. I had this type just twice in my life when I was only 6 or 7 and it was incredibly terrifying because it seemed so real and I was convinced that I couldn't move.



I had these paralytic dreams when I was a child multiple times. Essentially I would be face down in my pillow and not be able to lift up my head to take a breath. I never experienced someone holding me down as much as I was simply paralyzed and unable to rotate my head out from in the pillow to get a breath of air. I figured it was something to do with my mind awaking to a sleeping body which caused me to panik in sleep. It always felt very intense and extremely frightening. Very bizarre stuff.

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