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AGF thread on Gibson J200

Lefty Guy

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No kidding, what a condescending prick. There's a certain guitar make that I don't like at all despite being praised from a lot of people but I keep my mouth shut. If it's right for them then it's right, who am I to tell them different.


He's a troll

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Not enough to get my panties in a wad. I say worse things about Taylor guitars.


Other than that I can't argue with the facts that guitars are flippin' expensive and you do need a scorecard to try and figure out all of the variations on any particular model.

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It was a mostly positive thread discussing the variety of opinions on Gibson vs Martin that is so very typical. Different strokes. There is always one person in a crowd who will try to stir the pot. They are usually trolls. I try to do the mean/median approach to any of these "what is the best... ??" or "top 10 list" threads by dropping the threads that gush and those that rant.

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I notice that our own euroaussie goes by GibbyPrague on that forum.


I think I see his tongue firmly planted in cheek in his post there, since he has a lot of those overpriced, stuffed-full-of-socks Gibsons in his quiver.....

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Yet he's earned a thread about him on a different forum, therefore got the attention he so desired...


I don't like Gibson, All their guitars are overpriced junk, cheap box with a stupid pricetag, you've been 'pwned' if you pay the price Gibson asks, sound like pac-rim guitars and cost 7 times as much, no such thing as a Gibson sound unless you mean no sustain and bad tone.....


These are all things branded about there from thread to thread, but any time you see one ask yourself some questions:


1) Is the thoughts of another, even if they like Gibson, really that important to you?

2) Are you looking for others opinions?if so do you need assurance or a sense of belonging?

3) What do you think about when you see someone lose the plot on the internet when a heated thread is getting cooking?


Remind yourself that there's a forum somewhere online for nearly everything, on every forum you will have the 'how dare you' types that can't stand to see any criticism for their choices and preferences and you will most certainly have the grenade boys who like to pull the pin and throw a live one in to get things a bit more rowdy. It takes all sorts I guess, but, I always remind myself the day I get angry on account of others views whilst behind a keyboard and then start posting stuff with no humour behind it is the day I should stop posting on that particular website.

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His post is not offensive.Everyone gives they're opinion,its good.

Really offensive is when a person buys a guitar that is a real dud.

Maybe he knows no better,trusted in the name, saved up for years to get it.

You know..some people are really poor and don't have the cash to recover from it.


I'd definately audition Gibson's over Martins..

They have more character & variation.

Though in a Lowden or Huss and Dalton one can find 7-8 out of 10 to be mastergrade and the remaining decent...one can find a Gibson as good.

Though its a shame that deaf instruments leave the factory..it hurts to be stuck with one of those.

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Sounds like that persons experiences match those of mine pretty closely. The main difference being that I am a sucker for "the good ones" when it comes to Gibson acoustics.


Simply put, the large majority of Gibson acoustics that I've played during my lifetime sounded like crap to me. If Gibsons looked like Martins, I would have lost interest in them a long time ago. Instead, I find Gibsons to be the most beautiful guitars out there, moreso than any other brand I've discovered to date. So I played a whole bunch until I found a few that I really liked the sound of and I'm thrilled to own them. I've made recordings of my guitars and have no problems sharing them with others. If anyone, or everyone for that matter, were to listen and respond that my guitars sounded like crap to them I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. I've purchased my guitars because they appeal to me, not because of what anyone else thinks of them.


I'm left to conclude that the majority of people who buy Gibson acoustics have very similar visual preferences to myself, but are on a totally different page when it comes to their sonic preferences. I don't see that there's anything wrong with that.

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Sounds like that persons experiences match those of mine pretty closely. The main difference being that I am a sucker for "the good ones" when it comes to Gibson acoustics.


Simply put, the large majority of Gibson acoustics that I've played during my lifetime sounded like crap to me. If Gibsons looked like Martins, I would have lost interest in them a long time ago. Instead, I find Gibsons to be the most beautiful guitars out there, moreso than any other brand I've discovered to date. So I played a whole bunch until I found a few that I really liked the sound of and I'm thrilled to own them. I've made recordings of my guitars and have no problems sharing them with others. If anyone, or everyone for that matter, were to listen and respond that my guitars sounded like crap to them I wouldn't lose any sleep over it. I've purchased my guitars because they appeal to me, not because of what anyone else thinks of them.


I'm left to conclude that the majority of people who buy Gibson acoustics have very similar visual preferences to myself, but are on a totally different page when it comes to their sonic preferences. I don't see that there's anything wrong with that.


You may well be right & perhaps I was just "lucky" that the 2 I bought have been superb. But what really gets my goat is people like this guy on AGF who imply that other brands (in this case Martin) guitars are always perfect, when we all know that this is not the case!

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He can leave all those sock-filled Gibsons to me msp_biggrin.gif. If they don't sound good then he couldn't possibly ask a high price for them, right? He would be cheating the next guy. I'll take 'em off his hands for next to nuthin', just to be fair of course.

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His post is not offensive.Everyone gives they're opinion,its good.

Really offensive is when a person buys a guitar that is a real dud.

Maybe he knows no better,trusted in the name, saved up for years to get it.

You know..some people are really poor and don't have the cash to recover from it.


I'd definately audition Gibson's over Martins..

They have more character & variation.

Though in a Lowden or Huss and Dalton one can find 7-8 out of 10 to be mastergrade and the remaining decent...one can find a Gibson as good.

Though its a shame that deaf instruments leave the factory..it hurts to be stuck with one of those.


NIck ,


I agree it would be stupid to get a dog and stick with it ... I mean even if you are starting out on a guitar you and a guitar doesn't play right you know something is wrong with it ! ... oh and these people probably don't know the logic behind the 5 star dealer program either .



just a though I don't think Pete Townshend would still be playing SJ 200's still as an old man if they were crap ... sure he has martins and some other boutique stuff but when you see him play a show or a solo performance he still plays an SJ 200 so I think he finds some really great sounds in them to be playing them still


and for those people who think the Dread's are the only great shapes the jumbo widely used in 12 string guitars Guild , Taylor and boutique luthiers use it as the standard shape for 12 string guitars .









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End of the day we all have an opinion what looks and sounds good. Any of you ever try and sing with a Collings D1 ain't gonna happen! But they have killer tone and are a great player. Gibson and gibson copies such as walker Kopp and Fairbanks. Make a great songwriters guitar or household guitar. I probably wouldn't bring my j45 to a bluegrass jam with my buddies.

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In my opinion, and from my PERSONAL experience... he sounds like he is describing a Martin NOT a Gibson. I'd put my signature J200 up against any comparably priced guitar for sound quality and playability. As for him being a "load"...yeh... you are probably right.

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Pretty much a typical AGF Gibson bashing thread, Not to get upset. You must remember that a lot of AGF players are looking for highly resonant, chimey, overtoney, OM size guitars with cut-aways, that can be put into open tunings for those ENDLESS , tedious, repetitive, new-agey songs that seem to be so popular over there. I'm always surprised at the longwinded half page replies that these typical Gibson Bashing posts generate. And such passion!!!??? Such anger!!! It's enough to make them vomit their Quiche and Chardonnay! Although I don't know how anyone can play any guitar with their nose so far up in the air and their little pinky finger cocked like that. Clearly these guys are not interested in the classic Gibson Thump, or the lush mids. It's just a different group over there. Gibson's in some peoples minds, apparently just don't lend themselves to Worship, or New-age, or virtuoso solo guitar playing or whatever their clique is over there. Well, even on the AGF classifieds, you see those Martin's and Gibson's selling pretty quick, and those $6,000.00 custom-luthier-built guitars hanging on the classifieds for LOOOOOONG periods, discounted, and discounted, until they sell for just a little over what a used J-200 will get you, so, to each his own (said the farmer, kissing his pig) It takes all types to make up this world, and apparently, Gibson sells every acoustic they make, so they must be doing something right????!!!!Please check out this list of idiot artists who somehow got duped into buying a Gibson guitar????!!!



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One thing is mentioned concerning TV and its price.

Really..the guitar is expensive.

That's good money.Gibson should never use Plain Jane maple on that guitar.

It's already a compromise using non Quartered wood...now using slab cut..and then barely figured slab cut..


Its not that expensive really.

This piece on my home work bench is 1" thick..and was a 6 ft sample,a batch of it was milled down to 7/8 and cost $6.85 a ft delivered,from a mill about 3 years ago.

All Natural J200's should have nice looking wood.Especially one as expensive as the True Vintage.



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Guest J-Doug

Pretty much a typical AGF Gibson bashing thread, Not to get upset. You must remember that a lot of AGF players are looking for highly resonant, chimey, overtoney, OM size guitars with cut-aways, that can be put into open tunings for those ENDLESS , tedious, repetitive, new-agey songs that seem to be so popular over there. I'm always surprised at the longwinded half page replies that these typical Gibson Bashing posts generate. And such passion!!!??? Such anger!!! It's enough to make them vomit their Quiche and Chardonnay! Although I don't know how anyone can play any guitar with their nose so far up in the air and their little pinky finger cocked like that. Clearly these guys are not interested in the classic Gibson Thump, or the lush mids. It's just a different group over there. Gibson's in some peoples minds, apparently just don't lend themselves to Worship, or New-age, or virtuoso solo guitar playing or whatever their clique is over there. Well, even on the AGF classifieds, you see those Martin's and Gibson's selling pretty quick, and those $6,000.00 custom-luthier-built guitars hanging on the classifieds for LOOOOOONG periods, discounted, and discounted, until they sell for just a little over what a used J-200 will get you, so, to each his own (said the farmer, kissing his pig) It takes all types to make up this world, and apparently, Gibson sells every acoustic they make, so they must be doing something right????!!!!Please check out this list of idiot artists who somehow got duped into buying a Gibson guitar????!!!






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Pretty much a typical AGF Gibson bashing thread, Not to get upset. You must remember that a lot of AGF players are looking for highly resonant, chimey, overtoney, OM size guitars with cut-aways, that can be put into open tunings for those ENDLESS , tedious, repetitive, new-agey songs that seem to be so popular over there. I'm always surprised at the longwinded half page replies that these typical Gibson Bashing posts generate. And such passion!!!??? Such anger!!! It's enough to make them vomit their Quiche and Chardonnay! Although I don't know how anyone can play any guitar with their nose so far up in the air and their little pinky finger cocked like that. Clearly these guys are not interested in the classic Gibson Thump, or the lush mids. It's just a different group over there. Gibson's in some peoples minds, apparently just don't lend themselves to Worship, or New-age, or virtuoso solo guitar playing or whatever their clique is over there. Well, even on the AGF classifieds, you see those Martin's and Gibson's selling pretty quick, and those $6,000.00 custom-luthier-built guitars hanging on the classifieds for LOOOOOONG periods, discounted, and discounted, until they sell for just a little over what a used J-200 will get you, so, to each his own (said the farmer, kissing his pig) It takes all types to make up this world, and apparently, Gibson sells every acoustic they make, so they must be doing something right????!!!!Please check out this list of idiot artists who somehow got duped into buying a Gibson guitar????!!!




You know there's something about that place that has always rubbed me wrong and I think you just nailed it. [thumbup]

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Boys, its these Gibson bashing threads that make the AGF entertaining !


I used to defend Gibson and wave my big stick at the bashers in the past but now I just enjoy the absurdity of it all.


What does still surprise me, is that given how parochial Americans are about their products (nothing wrong with that, I like vegemite) Im surprised that so many are so quick to bash one of their own masterpieces, that is a cultural icon and such an intrinsic and unique part of American musical history and culture.

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You may well be right & perhaps I was just "lucky" that the 2 I bought have been superb. But what really gets my goat is people like this guy on AGF who imply that other brands (in this case Martin) guitars are always perfect, when we all know that this is not the case!



Most Martins ARE perfect..

Perfectly and uniformly, average.


Im partly joking..but only a very small part.

Martin has nailed that sound..and that sound is not the sound of the old ones.

I did try one Authentic D18 1937..,that was more like it.

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