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The Prisonaires


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I'm forever trolling the internet looking for Gibsons in unusual settings.


There are outlaws, and then there are OUTLAWS. The Prisonaires were a prisoner-created musical group signed by Sun in the early 1950's. Their most familiar composition would be "Just Walkin' in the Rain". The group consisted of several killers, a rapist, and a thief.


And one very nice Gibson archtop. I can't identify the fretboard inlays, but it is a big-bodied L-variant, maybe an L-7. Someone here will know. Gives a new meaning to the term "musical outlaw".



My link


You can clearly hear that archtop in the original recording:


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Because of the small, straight, inlaid Gibson script , fleur-de-lis (partly under the strap), and varied fret markers (I wish I could see the 5th it would be the 3 leaf clover looking thing w/pointed leaves). They went to f-holes '35:www.archtop.com/ac_35L4_1011.html

I used to have one a long time ago. Way before I could appreciate it.

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I'm surprised they weren't barred from playing outside the prison. Their music must have a tough cell. Pardon me, I like their music! His pen could sure write some good sentences.

I love it.


This group deserves a trial. They problably started singing the moment they were arrested. Hard time stealing tunes? They can kill it or rape it, either one. Stole the show with a dead crowd. When was the last time you caught a good band? They're definitely in it for life.

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I give Sam Phillips a huge amount of credit for signing guys like this, even if it didn't pan out very well for them over the long haul. It's unimaginable that any mainstream label would even have considered it, or probably have even considered signing Elvis at that stage in his career, come to think of it. What an imagination Phillips had!


I haven't been to the Sun studios in Memphis, but a trip there is on my bucket list. They have a pretty good website, by the way.

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