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Posts posted by AntonBolthaus

  1. 6 hours ago, labomba said:


    I had that happen on an old Les Paul I had and what I did was loosen the ring around the pup and pressed lightly on the pup till it bottomed out and let go quickly and it popped up. than re adjusted the pup.  Hope that's helps

    Thanks so much! I’ll check this out. 

  2. 7 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    If you just want the pup to look the the other one, put a piece of foam under the side that is dipping down so it will not be able to lay at that angle. It wont affect sound. It's like shimming one side just with soft  foam. But yours is extreme.  You may have to trim the foam to get it at just the right thickness.

    Thanks for the insight. I’ll keep this in mind!

  3. 18 hours ago, brad1 said:

    Could you turn the pu around?

    Have the poles on the other side?

    Thanks for the suggestion.  If all else fails I might give this a shot.  I feel like having the pole pieces slightly closer to the bridge will brighten up this already bright guitar.  So I'm hoping adjusting the legs and/or spring will resolve instead.  If not, I'll try turning the pickup around and see what happens.  Thanks!

  4. 16 hours ago, Vinnie1971 said:

    This is very common. Sometimes you can fix it by turning the springs the other way round I’d one end is wider that the other. Failing that then taking a pair of pliers to the pickup legs and bending the ears slightly will fix it.


    its only a cosmetic issue though. The effect in tone is negligible.

    If the poles are technically angled, how would that not affect tone?  I know it would be minor, but it should still slightly affect tone.  I will definitely experiment with the spring and the legs and see if that helps resolve the issue.  Thanks for the insight!

  5. 16 hours ago, Sgt. Pepper said:

    Put a piece of foam under it. Like on Jazz Basses.

    I guess I don't understand how this fixes the issue.  My problem isn't that the pickup is falling forward on its own.  When I tighten or loosen the pickup height adjustment screws, only that one side of the pickup moves.  The side with the poles always stays at the same spot.  I'll be taking a closer look when I change strings next, but was hoping that someone had identified the exact reason that this happens if it is so common.  Any other ideas?  I'll post what I find out once I take stuff apart.

  6. Thanks for your response!  I did some research on the pickups that come on my guitar, and pretty much just tweaked tone on amp and guitar as well as really dialed in the pickup height and pole pieces and have been able to get the sound I was looking for.  I've got a good clean tone now and a good overdrive tone right out of the amp.  Can't say the other digital effects will be used though.  They definitely seem a bit weak.

  7. Hey!  I'm new to this forum, and new owner of a beautiful Les Paul.  Unfortunately...I didn't do much research prior to buying my amp.  Ended up with a Marshall MG30FX Gold.  I'm struggling getting my LP to sound great through it, but still playing around with tones.  I'm hoping to land that perfect blend of bass, mids, and treble so I can at least get a great sounding clean channel prior to loading up with pedals.  Glad to join the forum here...if anyone has some tips on making this amp sound better (other than destroying it, or abandoning it for a new one), send them my way!  I sold my old Vox 15 watt solid state amp a few months back...thought I was upgrading, but that thing destroyed this Marshall in sound quality.

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