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  1. Hi, I'm Nick. I'm looking for my 79 Gibson S-1. In 96 my brother pawned it. Pawn shop screwed up and didn't place on police hold shelf. A guy from LA bought it and I've been trying to find her ever since. She's unique, to say the least. The paint is the sunburst yellow and brown standard 3 single coil pick-ups... but The backside has a big buckle rash area from the rivets in my Levi's when I played. The unique part. I shot her with a .357 mag pistol, bottom right hip. It blew a section off the guitar but didn't hit the wiring, pick guard... Nothing. When I took her to a local guitar maker/repair guy, he asked me if I wanted the bullet hole filled in. I said No, leave it. So, she has a bullet hole, in the backside. The front shows no evidence of it. That's how tough these solid body S-1s are. Not even a .357 hollow point bullet could pass through at 8 feet. Why I did it, another story for another day. I will post photos soon. The black Gibson hard case has stickers from all the states I played in. Thanks. I hope someone knows someone who talked about an S-1 with a bullet hole
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