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Posts posted by AbdulMateen

  1. I have a Yamaha FS100C acoustic guitar.

    In website it says Fingerboard Radius: R400mm (15 3/4") what does it mean I can't understand as I am a beginner.

    I want to get a capo for it, so i want to know if it has a flat fretboard/fingerboard or radiused fretboard/fingerboard.

    I bought Daddario NS Artist Capo but D string buzzes a lot even if capo tension is increased somewhat (standard tunning).

    To check capo pressure i am picking strings downwards just exactly as how we do when tuning a guitar and D string buzzes a lot.

    I don't want to keep high tension on the strings by tightening the capo a lot as it would defeat the purpose of getting an somewhat expensive capo with screw adjustment for tension too.

    I am using Gibson light 11 - 52 gauge strings on the guitar after i tried to make the capo work with a little tension adjustment in the screw had no luck, and strings got out of tune after some trials.

    I have been looking in between NS Artist Capo & Tri-Action Capo from Daddario.

    Please help, I can return NS Artist Capo and get Tri-Action Capo if its more appropriate for acoustic guitars and for my Yamaha FS100C.


  2. I have a Yamaha FS100C acoustic guitar.

    In website it says Fingerboard Radius: R400mm (15 3/4") what does it mean I can't understand as I am a beginner.

    I want to get a capo for it, so i want to know if it has a flat fretboard/fingerboard or radiused fretboard/fingerboard.

    I bought Daddario NS Artist Capo but D string buzzes a lot even if capo tension is increased somewhat (standard tunning).

    To check capo pressure i am picking strings downwards just exactly as how we do when tuning a guitar and D string buzzes a lot.

    I don't want to keep high tension on the strings by tightening the capo a lot as it would defeat the purpose of getting an somewhat expensive capo with screw adjustment for tension too.

    I am using Gibson light 11 - 52 gauge strings on the guitar after i tried to make the capo work with a little tension adjustment in the screw had no luck, and strings got out of tune after some trials.

    I have been looking in between NS Artist Capo & Tri-Action Capo from Daddario.

    Please help, I can return NS Artist Capo and get Tri-Action Capo if its more appropriate for acoustic guitars and for my Yamaha FS100C.


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