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Magnum Force

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Posts posted by Magnum Force

  1. I've had my late grandfather 's Gibson now for over 35 years.  It's a little weathered, but it was just like this when he used to play it during the holidays for the family all through the (possibly late 50s), 60s, 70s and early 80s before he passed. 

    I'm pretty sure it's a J45. For some reason, which I can't recall, I came up with 1946 a couple of years back on just my own online sleuthing.  

    I did have, what I feel now was a big mistake, some work done to it about 15 years ago when I paid someone to re-string, fine tune and clean up a couple of my guitars. When I got it I really didn't take notice of the possibly of and 'changed out' vintage parts.  It wasn't until a few years later that I noticed the that the original tuners might have been swapped out and as well as the string pegs.  Then again I never really paid much attention to the tuners, so while they definitely looks 'newer' they could have easily always been there from a previous time when my grandfather had it.  

    Rumor was that he bought from a thrift store or found out in a trash bin. ( He was always known to be of the thrifty and extreme 'penny pinching' type, and never ever made unnecessary or 'expensive' purchases.

    Anyway, aside from possibly missing the original tuners and pegs, the to small holes in the from and the pick guard slightly coming up, it's on pretty nice shape and still sounds really good. 

    I'd just really love to know the date on this. Hopefully some your expertise could give me some insight. Thank you

    Sorry for the low picture quality.  The site only allows for 500mb


  2. please don't hang it up.  I've enjoyed your playing and singing.  i do hope you'll re-record Harvest Moon.  I didn't get a chance to hear it before you took it down.  Actually looking forward to learning that song.  I just bought my first J-200  ( 2010 Custom) and it will be delivered by the weekend.  I haven't played for a long time, due mainly to 32 years of line work , but retired in May and have been finally getting back into playing again.  Anyway, hope you keep sharing your covers.  they are very inspiring and a pleasure to enjoy.  Thank you! 

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