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Dusty Myles

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Posts posted by Dusty Myles

  1. 2 hours ago, SteveFord said:

    Get blue painter's tape and mask over the pick ups, buff the fret board with 0000 steel wool, wipe that clean and then buff with lemon oil and a clean rag.

    Awesome I'll give this a try. I've also read 600 grit sand paper any advice on that? 



    2 hours ago, merciful-evans said:

    Hi. I'm a bit puzzled here. The fretboard texture should not make any difference to playing. 

    Also not sure what 'sliding' is. 

    Is the problem with the frets? 

    I meant sliding as in sliding up or down the neck when playing. 

    No the frets seem fine the board just has a very rough texture

  3. So I bought a 2020 classic and the guitar is great except for 1 flaw. The fret board is quite rough and there are quite a few tool marks. It's almost like it didn't get the final sanding as sliding on the strings feels very restricted.  

    Anybody have recommendations on sanding products, techniques, grits ect.

  4. I do agree with the cutaway on the acoustics, they are quite freeing. I didn't really have an idea on a shape just thought it would be cool for them to experiment. A lighting bolt maybe??? Lol

  5. Alright does anyone else think it would be nice to see gibson, of course KEEP producing the classic in the same bursts/colors ect. BUT come out with a new guitar? I'm talking totally new shape totally new colors maybe different scale length/neck or even pup configuration idk. I'm sure it would be a bad business move but I think it would be cool to see...

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