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Posts posted by LievenDV

  1. Hey BluesKing777, (and other Gibson forum members :))

    Tasty playing there. Thansk for sharing!

    I found this page googling about the Maton Messiah 808 cutaway, As I consider buying one. (aka ordering a lefty)

    Since there is no way for me to try, let alone compare lefty Matons, I must do my research very well.

    I'm a singer who accompanies himself with a rather "fingerpicky style" of guitar playing. Some but scarce strumming in my accompanyment.

    I almost always play plugged in and I like smaller shaped guitars.
    I don't mind if they are a bit "deeper", especially if that brings out an interesting sound.

    I read that the Messiash is rather "midrangy" compared to dreadnaughts. Should I interpret that as "mid boom" or rather ast "more flat response in contrast to a more bass heavy dreadnought"? 

    I play a concert size mahogany top guitar now and while it is very articulate, I find it rather "strong and direct".
    I'm looking for something articulate still but a tad more easy in the attack. I'm not a fan of the size of dreadnaughts and was aiming for a concert or 808 Maton anyway.

    Is there a good reason for me to steer away or actually going for a 808 Messiah? 

    I'll try to check in on this page as much as possible but would you be so kind to drop me a line at lievendv ---at-- gmail  --dot --- com ?
    Thanks a lot!


    A curious lefty picker from Belgium

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