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  1. you're right. I remember dots's gap was less on the down side, not perfectly centered, but..how much? my j 200 1989 has nibs
  2. Hi guys, last question: are side dots perfectly centered, I mean vertically on the binding.
  3. Stew Mac sells only 2 measurements: 1/16" diameter which is 1,58 mm 3/32" diameter which is 2,38 mm . so I would go for 2,38 mm. I need a picture to see if it is centered on the binding or not.
  4. there where black plastic dots when I removed the binding. unfortunately I didn' t care and all finished in the trash. now I don't know if '80 's j 200 dots are different from other ages...
  5. thanks for your reply. I was thinking it was 2 millimiter but I' m shure is more. I bought 2 millimiter dots but they seem to me a bit smaller than the old ones. don't you have a digital or also a normal caliper to measure them accurately?
  6. Hi all, hope someone can help me. I changed the fingerboard binding on my J 200 1989 but, I forgot to measure the side dots diameter. someone can measure from your j 200 and let me know? thanks in advance Antonio
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