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Posts posted by Lapsu

  1. photo-1601373879104-b4290a56b691?ixlib=r

    This is Spinner, my lovely tabby cat. I found him on the street (of he found me, I don't know exactly), but we've been together for several months already. He was very weak and had lots of fleas, and it took time to get rid of them. It also has to be noted that this is my first cat, so I had to figure out how to take care of him. Fortunately, there is a great number of helpful sources, and Pet express blog provided me with all the needed info. 

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  2. The Swimmer (1968). I've recently updated my kodi on firestick using a guide and found this movie in the library. I found it to be inspiring as its primary theme is the power of the mind to deny unpleasant truths.

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  3. My cat Bella passed away about three months ago. I got used to live with a cat, so I'm thinking about getting another one. But it is important for me that it won't look like my previous cat as I don't want it to remind me about my Bella. Recently, I've read an article about orange tabby cats https://www.catfoodpoint.com/orange-tabby-cat/. They seem to be cute and playful. I guess, I'll adopt exactly an orange cat. Who else has it?

  4. I started experiencing vertigo after taking celecoxib. I suffered from pain and celecoxib helped me. But having checked the info about it on the Canada Drugs site, it turned out that anti-inflammatory medicines can cause vertigo. I stopped taking my pills and everything was fine in several days. 

  5. I feel you. I grabbed an older guitar from the auction site. It must have spent years in a household of smokers. Both guitar and case had a strong old smoke smell. At first, I was disappointed as I took additional projects at work to earn extra money and buy it (fortunately, the guys from https://writinguniverse.com/free-essay-examples/cultural-anthropology/ agreed to help me). But having surfed the Internet and tried several ways, I finally got rid of that smell. I mixed white vinegar with equal parts water in a pump spray bottle, misted the fabric until it was moist to the touch, and let it dry. The acid in the vinegar should kill most spores, but I'd test a small area first, to see how it affects any dyes. After that, I put the coffee ground in a little tub and inserted it into my guitar’s soundhole and its case, waited a few days, and then vacuumed everything. More than two months passed and I don't feel that smell anymore.

  6. Hi everyone! I'm new to the forum and actually, new to playing the guitar. I've recently started learning and I'm looking for a good instrument. I'm glad to be a part of this community and I'm sure I'll find lots of useful information here. 

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