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Posts posted by Rosezhou

  1. I had a Kramer in neon green in 1990, and just LOVED that guitar!! But that was 33 years ago? I’ll settle for a Fender Strat, but REALLY want this 2023 Bumblebee yellow $800.00 Baretta!! I CANNOT get a straight/correct answer to a SIMPLE question, as to where they are made. Kramer’s website says NOTHING! This is TOTALLY frustrating!! You might pay $800.00 for a Chinese made guitar, but, from experience, I will not buy a Chinese made guitar. Just me. QC is crap, workmanship, crap, parts, pots, crap. I’d just go buy a Japanese made Strat in a SECOND!! I HOPE somebody who owns one can tell me! Thanks all!! $800.00 is a lot of $$ for a guitar for me. I want one WORTH $800.00!!


  2. If this $800.00 Kramer Baretta IS made in China, I’m buying a Fender Strat, made in Mexico instead. But I REALLY want a $800.00 Kramer Baretta!! Just NOT made in China. And I’ve been told it’s made in either: China (YUCK, like I said), Indonesia, OKAY… And then: Mexico. Great…. Who’s RIGHT???

  3. BTW, the ‘name tag’ for my account, is my wife’s name. I LOVE CHINA, Chinese food, my wife!! Just NOT Chinese made $800.00 guitars!! Just FYI. When I made this account, they wouldn’t let me use the tag I wanted, so, I gave up, and used my wife’s name. 

  4. I’m WANTING to purchase a Bumblebee Yellow left-handed Kramer Beretta, the $799.99 model, NOT the SPECIAL CHEAP guitar. Some say: It’s made in China (YUCK!! For $800.00 GUITAR!!), others list: Indonesia as were it’s made, and STILL others say: Mexico. WHICH is CORRECT???!!!

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