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  1. Your posts are stupid and a waste of time! Just pass on by my threads.
  2. Jjm907


    Thanks. Is that so? I've seen your name on some other websites also...
  3. I am NOT seeking life advice. Especially NOT from you!
  4. Or, I can post my number here and you can call me collect...😉
  5. Can anyone tell me what guitar, the guy to the right of Eric in this video, is playing? Thanks
  6. Having worked in the guitar industry, I did meet several luthiers. If you need work done you may have to ship your guitar, unless you are near one of them. But it doesn't sound to me like that is what you're after. If you have some questions about a service or even about the industry, I'm sure they wouldn't mind sharing a couple minutes of their time with you. You can hit me up at my inbox for their info.
  7. Very basic strummer here. Former Martin employee.
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