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Posts posted by Dave

  1. The last thing I need is a guitar ordered from a chinese counterfeiter and no recourse if it is a particle board fake. I'm always leery about ordering any guitar mail order. I like to play it and inspect first and then decide. I'd rather deal with someone who is an authorized Epi or Gibson dealer and not have to worry about it. After all, an authorized dealer isn't likely to jeopardize their relationship with the manufacturer over a cheap, high profit knockoff guitar.

  2. Guy came up on stage a while back and was talking about how great my '05 Epi LP sounded. Then he looked at the headstock and said "Epiphone! I thought it was a real Les Paul!". I pointed at the TRC and said, "It is. Says right here. Les Paul Custom". He was really confused then. Fooled him completely. He had no idea that a non-Gibson could sound so good. He's now a believer.

  3. I've owned a Fender Strat since I bought it new in '79. Ash body with micro-tilt maple bolt-on neck that stays put when it is adjusted. Sustain is maybe not quite as good as my Epi les paul (which I think is better than my Gibby LP Studio).


    The maple necks on Fenders are HARD rock maple that is less likely to snap than the mahogany necks on Gib/Epi, IMHO. There used to be two groups that argued about the 3 bolt Fender neck vs the 4 bolt model (pre-CBS). The micro tilt model is the 3 bolt one. I tend to move and stress the neck when I play at times and the 3 bolt neck never went out of tune from movement. You just have to keep the screws tight.

    I like the micro-tilt adjustment because it will set the angle perfectly without using shims. I would imagine that there are lots of Fenders out there with a piece of guitar pick used as a shim (LOL). Anything that doesn't transmit the vibrations is going to reduce sustain and affect tone.

  4. My Gibson LP is about the same weight as my Fender Ash Strat. My Epi LP is somewhere in the same range. It feels heavy, but I'm a big guy at 235# and really don't mind the weight. I have had the Epi apart and it is cut pretty tight in terms of routing for the pickups and switch, although I think the switch routing is sized to use either the straight or right angle SG style pup switch. I had to Dremel out the end of the pickup routings to clear SD pickups and make the pup poles match the strings.

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