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Posts posted by aldiablo

  1. Hi guys,

    So I picked up the SCCW and wow I am loving it. It’s so lively and a joy to play. It’s nicely set up too and is holding its tuning fine, even tuned down a step. It just has an older Fishman pickup in it now so I think I’ll swap that out for an LR Baggs Element and get my guitar guy to have a look at the set up while it’s in with him.

    I’m trying to upload a photo but it’s too big. How do I go about it?

  2. Wow thanks so much will97 that was all just super helpful. I was thinking of changing out the whole tuning machines so those Gibson brand ones look like the best bet if the sizings will be correct. I was looking at them ones anyway and my local guitar store has them in stock.

    I’m gonna drop it into my guitar guy for him to have a look and see what he thinks of the Grovers on it. If I am changing them he’ll be doing it. I am not practical or handy. I just play music! 

  3. They look great Dave F.  They’re the kind of thing I’m thinking of but single individual tuners rather than 3 in a bed. 

    I’m thinking the Gibson brand ones would fit the holes as it’s a Gibson guitar but maybe I’m wrong. Maybe Grovers would be better as it came with Grovers. Can’t see any button Grovers but they have tulips. Maybe I’ll chance the Gibson buttons though. 

  4. I’ve only very recently started down tuning to D standard. I’d never really considered it before but I’ve started doing acoustic gigs playing my own songs for the first time, I’ve always played in bands, and I found I had songs that suited my voice better in a lower key but I didn’t want to change the chord shapes as it didn’t sound as good when I did. So it was just for vocals really but the lower tuning can fill things out more when it’s just your voice and a guitar. I just capo it then for songs that are better in E standard or above. 

  5. They’re just the stock metal Grover kidney beans  that come on a J45 Standard that are on it at the moment . I don’t mind them too much look wise but like I say it feels like they’re not doing they’re job like they should and if I’m gonna change them I do quite like button tuners for the old school look. I’ve considered tulips too yeah. I think them or  buttons would look cool but buttons might just pip it. I’ve very long but very slender fingers so the small size doesn’t bother me too much. 

  6. Hi guys,

    I’m thinking of swapping out the stock tuners on my J45 for a set of white/cream plastic button tuners. I’m not loving the stock ones. I think they might be causing the tuning to slip a little more than it should. Maybe they’re a slightly faulty set or something. I do quite like the look of button tuners too.

    A search online has brought up Gibson, Gotoh and Kluson, with Gibson being the most expensive by a way.

    Has anyone anyway recommendations? Are the Gibson’s worth the extra money? Any other brands worth looking at?



  7. Hi guys,

    Just a quick update. I spent hours in the guitar store yesterday. I brought my J45 and went between that, the CW and the Firebird. Three great guitars and three very different guitars. The CW and Firebird both offer something different for sure and I really enjoyed playing both. If only I had the money! In the end my gut, heart and ears went with the CW.  It really sang to me and the top really resonated. Definitely more highs and more “jangly” than the J45 but still with that bass presence. The Firebird was really nice too but less alive than the CW. Anyway I find these kind of decisions difficult and I just needed to pull the trigger so went with it. I pick it up on Tuesday. Didn’t want to carry the cash with me yesterday until I was sure I was gonna use it. Thanks for all the help with this guys. I really appreciate it. I’ll let yous know how I’m getting on when I have it. 

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  8. Cool thanks that’s pretty much what I’ve been doing and just floating the mic a few centimetres this way or that depending and maybe rotating the condenser slightly towards the sound hole depending. I know there are a few different techniques  so was just wondering. The way we’ve been doing it is the standard though. 

    • Like 1
  9. Wow that’s really helpful info thanks. The track sounds great! Lovely crisp highs but when you hit those bass strings they make their presence known. It’s definitely got that sparkle that I heard the other day strumming that open G.

    Sounds like you’re a lucky guy owning a herd like that! You must find it hard to choose from day to day! 

  10. Yeah I’d be the same Peter. The Sheryl Crow association means nothing to me. I’ve nothing against her but she’s not my bag really. It’s the guitar I’m interested in. I  imagine the changes they made on the newer ones must make a big difference.

    That is some herd E-minor7! How do you find the Firebird as a standalone guitar and compared against the rest of the herd? Do you own a hog Gibson?

  11. So I very quickly got into the guitar store today while I was passing by. Unfortunately I literally only had a couple of minutes as I was already late for something. Got a super quick strum on the CW. It seems really nice. The Definitely brighter than my J45 but still nice and warm. Nice feel too and tuning was good. There a fair few cosmetic dings but that doesn’t bother me too much. I also got a strum of the Firebird. Strummed an open G and it sparkled. Anyone have any experience/info on these guitars? As I said it’s out of my price range at the mo but if I make a few more sales on gear I have up it is possible.

    Gonna get back in at the weekend for a proper play of them. 


  12. I have a 2001 Les Paul Standard that I bought brand new is an outstanding guitar. Much better than it “should” be. It’s not a particularly good year or anything. I’ve played other ones from similar years and they were nowhere near as good. I just lucked out. I’ll never part with it.

    Ha ha! Thanks for the warning/preparation. 😆

    • Like 1
  13. Sounds great AnneS. They both definitely compliment each other great when used right on the same track but also do their own thing really well too when solo and used to their strengths.

    Thanks E-Minor7 that’s really helpful to know that you heard a CW from the same year and batch and were blown away.  Did your brother hang onto it?

    I was recording with the J45 tonight and I’m thinking something with a little more highs would suit it well. The J45 has that great woody low end. The few Hummingbirds I’ve played did seem to be a bit brighter than my J45 so maybe the CW will fit the bill. We shall see. I’ll try the maple Custom Firebird when I’m in there too even tho it’s priced out of my range! 

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