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Posts posted by thefripp72

  1. Really?? You've got to be kidding me.

    Of all the VALID and IMPORTANT concerns voiced on this forum EVERY DAY regarding the quality of brand new Epiphone guitars, you choose to answer the burning question of, "wheres my sticker and throw away cord?"!


    Epi1 I am asking you as one professional to another, please do not insult us again with something like this. It actually has made me mad. I love Epiphone the guitars and the brand, but this is infuriating. You choose to answer a question about free swag thats included in a new guitar (which general consensus is the end consumer never gets the garbage anyways) but choose to blatantly ignore all the inquires to important relevant questions such as these.






    There are MANY more valid and serious concerns regarding this company. I find it highly disrespectful and insulting that you ignore our pleas for answers regarding these issues but you have time to come on here and tell us about free STICKERS and POSTERS??????


    We don't buy your damned bumper stickers, we buy your GUITARS. Please let us know why Epiphones quality, value, and customer service has been declining lately. Why are you making LP Customs in the obviously inferior factory. How did these poor examples of this guitar even released to the public and why did Epiphone feel they we acceptable? Why are the frets being used sub par and flawed from manufacturing?


    I offer my services as a Master Luthier, and Epiphone lover to you Jim. Perhaps you need someone in there to shake things up and demand quality from your staff, from the girl answering the phone in customer service, to the man scraping binding on the other side of the world for $5 a day. You should hold EVERYONE related to Epiphone/Gibson to a higher standard, not allow this company to fade into mediocrity (at best ATM).



    Please please please, answer a REAL question or at least get out there and DO something about it. I could care less about some damned sticker or poster. I care about getting a quality guitar at a fair price. Right now Epiphone can't even guarantee me a fully functioning guitar that is playable at ANY price. Do you really think stickers will make your customer base happy? We are GUITARISTS, not twelve year old girls with a sticker collection.


    I have been playing and singing the praises of Epiphone guitars for over 20 years, I have owned over 30 Epiphone guitars and now have 6. ^ Epiphone guitars all of which were made in Japan or Korea, all old, and I can't find a new Epiphone worth buying. Thats sad ain't it? I WANT A NEW EPIPHONE, BUT CANNOT FIND AN ACCEPTABLE GUITAR THAT EVEN COMES CLOSE TO MY OLD EPIPHONES. You should be moving forward with the company, making better guitars. But right now we are wittnessing the decline of Gibson/ Epiphone. PLeasae do not be so sure of yourselfs you stop caring about fine guitars and you customers. It seems like the attitude today is.

    " We are Gibson/Epiphone, the number one guitar company ever. Just slap something together, put our name on it and it will sell, we are Gibson after all. Who Cares"?


    I care Epi1, I care damnit.



    Truth be told: about 2 months ago I bought a SG G-400 from MF. I was shocked when I open the hardshell case and realized that the paint job around the lower horn and the neck was simply forgotten !!! The size of 2 quarters !!! How's that possible ? To add insult to injury the quality checklist showed the paint item as OK !!! I called MF and returned the guitar...I hate to see people making guitars without care or love, just like an appliance...is it too difficult to train people so they understand what they are doing and that money is NOT the main reason to be alive ??? ANd then people complaint that Fender after CBS was not the same...hahaha...I own a Strato 1976 that's is simply amazing !!! As I always say: everything can be worse...




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