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Posts posted by BigMacFullerton

  1. I HAVE THE SOLUTION...LOOK NO FURTHER.I have played a couple of newer pauls(2000's) lately and they did exactly the same thing.The G string mostly just would not stay in tune.The tuners on newer studio's are absolute crap(look the same as the ones on standards but are way less quality) and won't keep your guitar in tune.It's kinda sad that you spend a grand on a guitar and it won't even stay in tune.That's one of the reasons I won't buy a new paul,but that's another thread.Go get a set of some nice grovers(my favorite) or schaller tuners and put them on that bad boy.Then take a pencil and leave a little graphite in the grooves of your nut before you put your strings on everytime.This will keep the nut smooth and the strings won't hangup on it when you do a bend.Doing these two things should totally solve your problem,it did for me.If it doesn't then you need to send it back to gibson.New tuners are about $60 and totally worth the money.See if gibson will pay for them,they should have put them on in the first place.Good Luck-there's nothting worse than a guitar that won't stay in tune

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