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Posts posted by Mutato

  1. Hi all,


    I installed my new ES335 wiring harness over the weekend. Very pleased with the results. Sounds a little cleaner and brighter, with a touch less midrange. Just a nice smoother overall sound. With both pickups engaged, it has that nicer shimmer/jangle tone. This is all on the clean tones.



    It's not a radical transformation. And I would not have wanted that. The biggest improvement was with both pickups on. That jangley/chimey sound. Think the intro guitar sound on Beach Boys' Surfin USA.

  2. Hey - I just noticed that Bill is offering the ES335 kit at $10 off the regular price. He does that from time to time. Direct orders from his website are less expensive than off eBay - again, Bill is a good guy, very responsive to e-mail questions and any options you might want. Check it out. Ed



    I just ordered from him! Thanks for the info. Can't wait to do the job!

  3. The stuff all goes in through the bridge pickup cavity and then you stick your fingers thru the f holes to work the stuff into place. Here's a 339.




    This is great info. And even better with your photos! I'm pretty handy with guitars, but doing the ES335 wiring is daunting due to it's design (versus my Strats). Is there an order in which you stuff the electronics in first?

  4. Hi,


    I want to replace the wiring in my 1984 ES335 Dot. I think the tone is a little muddy, possibly due to it might be equipped with 300K Pots versus the 500K pots. Also, the pots are a little scratchy. Anyway, I looked online at Youtube and all the videos show installs all done via the F hole. But these were all on ES335 copies. I heard that the ES335 has an access hole in the Bridge pickup cavity. Is this true and is it used for doing a wiring install like this?






    BTW, I called Mojotone and they could not help. They assumed it was through the F hole.

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