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Anyone own the Custom shop 57 Black Beauty 3 pickup with bigsby?


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I was looking to maybe pull the trigger on one of these in the next couple of days, but wanted your guys opinions good and bad of what you think of these. I own a custom shop 355 with a bigbsy and just love it to death , so getting a black beauty with a bigsby would work out fine. My questions are this though?


1. Why are to V.O.S cheaper than just the reissue black beauty's with 3 pickups

2. Why are the 2 pickups black beauty's w/ bigbys 3-4 bucks more expensive?

3. Is having the 3 pickup in the middle really a problem for most guitar players?


These guitars are really just beautiful, but in the end if they just don't sound that great, and are to hard to get use to it's probably not going to be worth it. Here's a link to the one I'm talking about. Thanks



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