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Classic 57 set for Explorer?


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No offense, but this is such a broad, generic question that it is difficult to be helpful. There are tons of pickups sold that can accomplish this. Many are sold by Gibson (even their stock pickups can do this fairly well). It seem you are looking for a higher output humbucker, but there are so many that can do this. What pickups are in your Explorer now? The pickups installed in Explorers for more than 30 years have been able to accomplish these styles of music. If you want something better suited to your tastes you may wish to look at video demonstrations and determine what sounds best to your stlye.

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No offense taken, JB/Jazz is whats in there now, the seller would prefer to keep them so I am looking for replacement options. I have been told the 57 set can get me there and I know the Explorers now come with the 500t/496r. I would kinda like to get it back close to original form, and if it will rock that way I will be happy.

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