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Help! Fitting a seymour duncan jb into an epiphone dot semi-hollow


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hey guys


i've decided to utilise the splicing (cheat) method to fit a seymour duncan jb into my epiphone dot. ive taken off the plastic pickup ring and all i see is one black wire going from the bridge pickup to into the guitar's body. i was wondering how this works as you can see:




seymour duncans have a green and bare wire that's soldered to the volume pot.

would i have to fish out my volume pot and solder the green and bare wires to my dot's volume pot? is there a way around this? can i just snip the single black wire of the stock bridge pu and splice my JB's black to the stock black wire? please help!


if you need pics pls let me know.


thank you

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Hi jimzer and welcome.


The link you provided doesn't quite work but here is a wirng diagram if it is of assistance.




You can splice but it's not as reliable as soldering the pickup leads/sleeve to the pot. It also means the stock pickup must either be repaired or used in a splice situation. And I guess it means that you'd also be shortening the SD pickup leads.


My advice would be to go fishing. You need to pull the tone circuit out through the pickup routs after tying fishing line or similar to the bits so that you can pull them back into place.



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Using the cheat method is just as reliable (actually its probably more reliable) then having to fish out the pots and connecting your ground/lead directly to the pot....


I have done it more than 10 times that way.... No issues..


However I have had issues when I used a cheap soldering iron and soldering directly to the pot... You need a very hot iron to get a shielded ground to stick to the pot or to desolder wires from a pot... You can also mess up the poorly done solders in the epiphone harness if you start yanking and pulling at it... DONT FISH IT OUT


The only issue is that your epiphone pickup will have a short lead ... Really not an issue because 1) its a cheap epi pickup... 2) its very easy to lengthen this wire ....


The epiphone pickup wiring is composed of two wires... one is the lead wire which is insulated with platic and the ground which should be bare and wrapped around the insulation...


Now determine which wire in the SD is the lead, and ground and connect these accordingly to the epi pickup wiring... do this by soldering.. sometimes its best to pinch the wiring together so the SD wiring and the epip wiring are touching and parallel to eachother... Any other SD wires should be tied off...

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thanks so much guys. i got it done.

i didnt realise the ground wire covered up the lead wire so i was a bit unsure. thanks to all of you so much again. now to find some spare wire to lengthen the wires on my epi pickup for a spare haha

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