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String gauge changing


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Maybe this is already discussed somewhere else, but I din't find it.

I bought a new Epi acoustic lately and as far as I see it has '12 strings on it. I'm used to play on '9s and on '10s, so probably I'll use lighter strings when time comes to change it.

So, the question is: will it affect my instrument in any way? I mean, how free I am to use lighterheavier strings on my guitar and what kinds of danger exist?

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You may want to consider leaving the 12's on or only going down to 11's. Are you comparing the string gauge you usually use on an electric? Since an acoustic uses the string vibration through the bridge and to the soundboard, you'll get a better response with heavier strings. On an electric it's not such an issue since the pickups are utilizing the string vibration directly.


Either way, there won't be any danger in going down in gauge...you just may need to adjust the neck relief some depending on how much of a change you make. Hope this helps a little.

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No, I played 9s-10s on other acoustic. Well, I understand that heavy strings sound great and stuff, maybe I'm a little in panic. You know, here we go - new guitar, and you can't play a thing on it, it feels so miserable. It's always difficult to me - to go from 9s to 12s etc. My fingers usually get used to it after a couple of weeks, but at the beginning it's just a shock, every time. I know people who just can't see difference between, say, 10s and 12s, but I never did understand how they do it.

Anyway, adjusting the neck scares me a bit, I'm not a pro in such things. But thank you anyway.

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