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Epiphone Triggerman 100H DSP Head & Trigger 4x12 Cab


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I recently purchased an Epiphone Triggerman 100H DSP Head & Trigger 4x12 Cab, and when I unpacked it, the owner manual was atually for the So-Cal 50 ! I rang the distributor I purchased the gear from, and asked them to please send out the correct manual, and was told that they didn't have one, and to download it from the Gibson web site. The web site DOES NOT HAVE this particular manual, so now I'm stuck with the So-Cal 50 manual, which is totally useless to me !


Does anyone have a copy of the correct manual for the Triggerman 100H DSP head ? If someone does have one, could you please let me know, and I'm prepared to pay for any costs associated with photcopying and sending a copy to me. I'd really appreciate any help. My email addy is: mfolghbr@bigpond.net.au





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