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Valve Standard crackiling noise upon starting

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Hi all. I am an owner of a Valve Special combo and love it. I needed a bit more power so I bought a Valve Standard. Upon turning on the Standard and plugging in, after a few seconds a crackling developed that sounded like a loose guitar jack. It got so loud I had to shut the amp down. This happen three or four times. Then it finally went away. I never had that problem with the Special. It seems like when the Standard warms up the noise goes away. Any help would be welcomed. Its also a lot noiser than the Special overall but I had read that they were a bit noisy. Thanks T

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If you swap a phase splitter, a rectifier tube, or output tubes, yes, you need to re-bias. If the amp has never seen a tech, it should be biased, because virtually every mass-produced amp made today is out of whack from the factory.


The other tubes can be swapped at will, without requiring re-biasing of the output tubes.

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