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HNAD! Kind of...


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So I brought my newly-modded Casino to my local guitar store to try out some small amps...while they only carry Fender guitars, they've got a pretty wide range of amps. I wanted something TUBE...I've only owned solid state, and I really wanted something excellent. I'm also tired of trying to lug my massive, crappy Marshall 100w around. I wanted something low wattage that can hold its own in the studio, yet sound big enough to jam with a loud drum set and possibly run into a large cab with.


I really wanted a Valve Junior, but after repeatedly falling in love with a friend's Blues Deluxe, I just couldn't get over the muddiness of the VJ. I've already got P90s, and the darkness of the VJ was just overpowering. I was really disappointed, I kind of had my heart set on it.


Then I checked out the Champ 600. Cool amp! Not getting a whole lot out of it though, I was kind of bummed at how boxy and small it sounded (5w thru a 6" speaker, I know...). The balance of the amp was MUCH better though, and had a bit of that famous Fender glass that I really love a lot.


Then I had to go try the Vox AC4TV. Holy crap. What an amazing amp. 3 knobs instead of the one, with a tone shaper that I was able to set to get the P90 mids balanced with the rest of the tonal spectrum. It comes standard with an attenuator, which I think is really one of the best things you could put on an amp like this. What's the point of a practice amp if you can't get it quiet enough to keep the house asleep? Fully opened though, it is loud enough (not quite as loud as the Champ, but much nicer sounding overall).


The one at the store was a little scuffed up, which normally wouldn't be a problem...but it's white. So I went and ordered it from a place in Brooklyn that's selling it for $75 less than anyone else is selling it for! I should have it by the end of the week, but the anticipation is killing me!


Anyone else have this amp? What are your thoughts?? I'm thinking I might throw a 12ay7 in to get a cleaner headroom, but IDK. I don't even have it right now, it's a little early to think about modding it.

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