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NEW PICS: '83 Custom Shop Explorer Reissue - Value?


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Hi - Wondered what my '83 Gibson Custom Shop Explorer might be worth. It's a '57-58 korina reissue with black pickguard & gold pickups/hardware. Condition is excellent, but had a Kahler tremelo bar installed by dealer shortly after purchase in '83. I do have the original gold pickup that is shown as black in the pictures below (had upgraded to Jeff Beck pickup).


Pictures of it can be found HERE (By the way, the discoloration in the photo on the long edge of the body is a sunlight reflection.)


I'm the original owner, and just curious what its value might be these days. Ballpark value is fine.



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Am I in the wrong section of the forums? Just wondering why no replies yet. I'm just looking for ballpark value of my beautiful Gibson. If more info is needed to determine, please advise. I'm happy to post more pics, serial #, etc. Thanks for your help with this.

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  • 1 month later...

It is hard to say... The Kahler should leave no marks when taken off. The pickup can be replaced no problem, just advise that these mods were made in the sale. As for what appears to be a coil-tap style mini switch on the pickguard, that was a no-no. Based on the fact, these guitars are rare, a stock one on ebay is usually about $8000 on a very good day. The extra switch and the mods (Regardless if the mods were restored) will depreciate the value. Korina (African Limba) is now on the endangered list and is barred from harvest, so therefore the guitar's value is driven up again... I'd say the guitar is worth approx. $4,750 - $6,000. Try running it through Gruhn's Appraisal though for a definate answer.

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