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Goodbye to Geoff....


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I hope Geoff is still here, and I hope he doesn't ban me for this, but a little bird told me that our long term Admin here is leaving Gibson today (30 Oct). Geoff has been a fantastic asset to Gibson and to these forums. Most of us never get to interact with a Gibson employee face to face, the closest we get is a voice on the phone or a reply in the forum. Well for many years, I am not sure how many, but I am pretty sure he was here when I started in the old Gibson forums around 2002, Geoff has been the voice and face of Gibson in the Custom Shop Forums. He has gone above and beyond to get people COAs, broken parts, information on their guitars, and answered a whole slew of wide ranging questions for thousands of people.

Geoff has done more to calm irate customers, and put our fears to rest than anyone else that I know. Some people just couldn't be calmed, but Geoff never lost his cool or professionalism. His efforts have made many people devoted Gibsonites.

A lot of you may not know it, but if you own a Custom Shop LP, Geoff may have seen it or helped pack it up. His duties went beyond just answering questions in the forum. He was active in a lot of Custom Shop tasks. I think he also played some, if not most of the riffs you hear when you click on the soundbytes on the CS guitar spec pages. I am sure he will be missed by all the Gibson staff that he has worked with, as much as he will be missed by us. Gibson is losing a great employee, whether they realize it or not.

I for one would like to thank him for all he has done over the years I have been coming here. He is a good friend, and I wish him all the best in his future endeavours.


Cheers Geoff, we'll miss you.



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Like Raptor... I also was involved in the earlier Gibson Custom forum, (before software problems?) and all what Raptor says concerning Geoff's role as Admin seems so... It is not always an easy task keeping a balanced perspective when people can post relatively anonymously over the internet.


Wishing you all the best, Geoff.

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