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SG 490r/t replace w/Fender Blacktop strat covered HBs?


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I have a Gibson Faded SG in brown, approx. '07, with the stock open coil 490t/r pickups set. I have a set of chrome covered supposedly "hot Fender" humbuckers that I took out of my Fender Blacktop Strat when I put some Seymour Duncans in it.


Some of you have the Gibson Faded SG or experience with it. I'm wondering what you think about the idea of switching out the stock SG Faded pickups - uncovered 490t/r set - with the chrome covered "hot" Fender Blacktop HBs?


There still is some disagreement in the documentation on Gibson's website as to if the 490t/r set is "alnico 2" or "ceramic". The chrome covered "hot" Fender humbuckers are alnico 5.


The SG Faded has been reunited with me after an absence of close to four years - stolen and then returned. I guess I should consider myself lucky. Anyway, I want to "make it mine" again. I am glad to have the guitar back.


For some reason the stock pickups in the Faded SG never seemed to sound remarkably good. I just bought a new Gibson SG Standard during the close out a couple months ago and I really like the 490/498 covered pickup set in it. I also put the 490/498 gold covered set in my black Epiphone LP Custom and I find that I really like the set in that guitar too. Both of these other guitars have the 490 at the neck position and I really like the sound I get from the 490. I think the 490 has such a distinctly different sound from the 498 that it is complimented by the 498 and stands out as a very nice sonic option. Anyway, the 490 neck pickups in these guitars sound great but I'm not thrilled with the 490 neck and bridge set in the Faded. As much as it seems that I should like the sound of this set in the faded SG, I don't.


Is it possible that the uncovered 490t/r set in the faded SG is an economy version of the 490s in my other two guitars? The difference doesn't make sense. Maybe I need to give the stock 490 set in the SG another chance and raise and lower them to try to find a sweet spot.


Experimenting with the stock pickups aside, what do you think of the idea of trying the chrome covered Fender "hot" humbuckers from the Blacktop strat in the faded SG? These would be hot alnico 5 pickups and I might find them more enjoyable. I think it is worth a try. Another possiblilty would be to buy a set of '57s, the '57 classic and classic plus set. Or I could even go with the nickel covered Dimarzio Superdistortion bridge and 36th Anniv. neck.


Are there others that are not satisfied with the 490 set in the faded SG or just plain in general?


Feedback is, as always, appreciated.

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