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  1. Since you like to be nit picky about my writing skills gibson's is a possessive noun whereas gibsons means plural. I must have hit a nerve with the iq thing there. However you did something that I admire and will shut me right up and I apologize for everything I said about you. Thank you for your service. I certainly can't top that. I was too fat to join the service so I became a teacher. All I said was in jest. I hope sir you can forgive me.
  2. Sgt. Pepper I thought at first you were pretty smart because you were a martin guy. Now I know you're just like these gibson groupies. A bunch of bullies that couldn't ad your iqs together and make 100. Now listen children, I know gibson has always been the best guitars in my opinion. I was trying to bring a little comedy into the forum. I hope one day to afford a gibson . Until then I'll keep playing my epiphone and taylor. If any of you ever crawl out of your mom's basement and record music anyone's heard of I will give you your due reverence.
  3. Oh as far as you being a big boy, how much you weigh? I weigh 465
  4. Hey I like martin too. The dad thing was a joke, he's been dead for 20years. Sorry I let you down but why have you waited so long? Tell em all martin makes the best guitar hands down.
  5. Yes they did just today got the internet out here. How'd you know?
  6. Hello gibson groupies. I wass sitting here waiting for my gibson to finish rebuilding the motor in my car when I came across this forum. It's surprising to see people who love gibson so much that they're willing to bash everyone else's guitars. My dad can beat up your dad. Actually I'm waiting on my luthier to finish my second gibson as soon as he gathers enough unicorn dust to make it magic. I need it to build me a new house.
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