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  1. This is the P90 that came with my guitar
  2. Yes my thing! I love Norlin era Gibson.
  3. Thanks sir! The TONE is awesome!
  4. I’m pretty sure the p90 are original. This model came with that cover (another rarity) maybe the only gibson with p90 cover made. I’m trying to attach the Gibson Brouchure from this guitar but is too heavy. Later I will try again.
  5. Hi to all! Want to share this beauty that I just bought, is a rarity, maple body and neck, p90, made for my beloved infamous Norlin era, early 70’s, nice condition, Diablo color and an AWESOME but AWESOME tone! Is all I know about this model if someone want to share some more info would be nice!
  6. Hi to all! Want to share this beauty that I just bought, is a rarity, maple body and neck, p90, made for my beloved infamous Norlin era, early 70’s, nice condition, Diablo color and an AWESOME but AWESOME tone! Is all I know about this model if someone want to share some more info would be nice!
  7. I bought “old” Norlin Gibson (73 and 76) but both in very good condition? Nevertheless a ES350 With no cracks and repairs are from 8000$ and more. We are talking of 3500 but with a repaired joint neck.
  8. Sorry if my english is too bad. Made in 2004 Gibson Original Jumbo 1934 reissue.
  9. Thanks! I have a month for reflexion until the restoration is done. I’m not sure. A 3500$ 1949/52 Gibson ES350 is a tentation, a break joint headstock repaired is a no no, is not easy, where I’m is almost impossible to see a Gibson F hole from 50’s.
  10. Yes 1000+the OJ2004, or 3500$ cash (2 options), he will give me the guitar Absolutly repaired, to a 100%, I do not have to repair the guitar myself. The 3500$ deal or OJ2004 plus 1000 is with a complete repair guitar. Is right now in hand of a good luthier at his cost not mine. Has the binding on the sides, but is too dirty that can’t be see on the picture. He tell me the guitar is going to have new frets, the neck repair perfect and reset, all clean, and all his pots, electronic, p90 are originals and working. Tuners are original (dirty), he want to put ARB1 Instead of the rosewood bridge, and give me the original too. He send me pictures of the repair. I do not have 8000$ to buy a pristine one. He tell me is from 1949/52, Is a good deal?
  11. Hi!!! Cheers to all! I need help from all of you! A store is selling me a Gibson from 50’s ES 350 (1956), The asking price is 3500$, and recieve me a Gibson Original Jumbo 2004 reissue from 1934 and 1000$ for that instrument (or cash), the problem is: The instrument start to crack on the bottom of the neck and the previous owner put 2 screws and was a horrible job. The instrument is now being repair with a luthier and he tell me is going to be perfect after that. All the resta are original. Do you thing is a good trade?
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