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  1. I don't care who you know, I was just saying what the genre means. It's anti-conformatory and anti-authoritarian. Both can be seen as political, especially the latter. Most of those artists also wrote songs with these principles, and if they didn't I would argue they're just rock or pop-rock, not punk.
  2. Marxist Punk Rock? So... Leftist Punk Rock? Whoa, you cracked the code man, I mean I never thought that American Idiot could have been promoting Left Winged Ideas?!/s You act like punk rock isn't supposed to be political, that is what makes it punk. If they weren't political they'd be just a Rock or Pop-Rock band. Same with the Ramones, same with sex pistols.
  3. Prog is fusion music, it is rock and usually folk or classical mixed with even broader influences, so no, however, there might be more traditional/common clothing for the genre you fuse it with. However, when it comes to punk or rock, there are similar and well-established styles. Notably leather, dark clothes, and denim.
  4. You think he did it because "Rock Stars do it"? He grew up in a home that already had addiction problems, it's something that was built up from family issues, just as it is for hundreds of other people. Not only does this comment do him a disservice, but it does to so many others.
  5. If you're looking for modern stuff that's got cool instrumental parts I highly recommend indie music, bands I like in that scene are IDKHow, Tally Hall, and Jukebox the Ghost.
  6. Even I'll be honest, American idiot isn't my top album by them. I prefer albums like 21CB or Warning. I just said that because that was one of their most commercially successful album, whether or not you liked it, a LOT of people did.
  7. Lemme tell you that nobody in the "Younger Crowd" dresses like them. They dress like they always did, punk. Crazy that they try to dress in the genre that they play 🙄
  8. Me personally, I would argue that the intro to The American Dream is Killing me is, but good intro's are also opinion's. I'm also not a Boston fan, so idk
  9. He suffered from substance abuse, yeah. But he went to rehab to get better and is a much better person today, so yeah I would call him my hero.
  10. The Offspring, Social Distortion, and Rancid? I and I would assume anyone else near my age has never heard of any of them... maybe the offspring, but that's even pushing it. Where as most can list a catalog of songs and albums green day has put out. And over the past 20 years green day has had major success, I don't know what your on rn honestly. First of all, ever heard of American Idiot? perhaps the most well known punk album ever made? Then a follow up to with 21CB, less well known but just the amount of effort and maybe even better sound. And now Saviors once again, their return to the top.
  11. There were just too many haters in this post against Green Day, calling them bad, worm out, and "twits". This was over 10 years ago, and Saviors has reached number one on many current top album billboards. Just thought that the earlier post needed some form of an update 🙂
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