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Posts posted by PP_CS336

  1. Like JM2112, said about finding his CS-336 by accident. That's how I found mine. I was actually looking for a Les Paul when I stumbled across mine. I thought this can't be an ES-335; the

    body's too small. The Sales person told me it was a CS-336. I asked him if I could plug it in. I fell in love with it immediately. The only problem I had with mine after a while was the ABR-1

    bridge rattled too much and cause some buzzing. I got a TonePro ABR-1 replacement and now she sings more beautifully. [biggrin]

  2. Ryann, did you buy the guitar (Les Paul Standard) used or new? If it's used and you bought it sight unseen, then maybe that's why you didn't notice

    a problem inherently. You might just need to take it to a guitar tech and have them check the wiring and get it fixed before you sell it and go to

    college. If you bought it new, recently, I'd bring it back to the shop you bought it from and tell them to fix it. And before anyone says, but it's a 2006,

    it's possible that it's been it the store for that long. Believe me, I've seen that before. So it's possible from just hanging around or being played,

    sometimes banged around (I've seen some of the way people abuse guitars when they're trying them out) that shorts can occur. Has this been doing

    this since you bought the guitar? It's hard to tell much from the information you've given. Expound more and maybe someone can give you more advice.

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