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Posts posted by Cheeks

  1. I had this same problem with both of my Epiphone EBM basses.

    The first one was a bad wire to the pre-amp.

    The second was a bad wire to the jack.


    What happens is that someone had to strip the insulation from the

    ends of the wires so they can soldered to the solder lugs...


    well, sometimes the wire-stripper tool is adjusted improperly

    and therefore it nicks the wire pretty deep, and over time vibrations

    will cause the wire to break (being so thin where it was nicked).


    hence... bad wire


    I don't know what type of wire Epi uses but they should

    be using multi-strand twisted wire and not solid wire.




  2. don't forget to spray the guitar cable jack as well,


    some people pull out their plugs from the guitar at an

    angle... and that could bend jack contacts in the

    guitar... and it could cause intermittent signal flow.

    Plugs should always be inserted and removed STRAIGHT



    Spray the top of the switch and let it run down

    into the switch... flooding the inside of the

    switch... then "work out the switch physically"...

    just go back and forth with the toggle handle...

    for a minute or so.... then let the switch

    drip-dry... it evaporates very fast... give it

    about 5 to 10 minutes to dry and then it should be

    clean contacts on that switch.


    also spray the pots too... they can get flakey as

    heck... simple atmospheric oxidation can occur on

    the pot wiper arm inside the pot.

    After you spray (flood the inside with cleaner),

    work that pot knob back and forth, to get the

    dirt out... then let it dry too... give it

    5 to 10 minutes as well to dry.

    The excess cleaner will evaporate fast.


    so, just hose it out good with something

    like LPS Electrical Contact Cleaner.


    DO NOT USE WD40!



  3. I just got my brand new IBJL Casino today from Sweetwater and it came with all of the goodies.

    Sure it is a cheap cable, but it is most surely better than nothing.

    Gotta love the poster and bumper sticker too.


    DITTO on my brand new Epi LUCILLE from SWEETWATER.COM


    plus they properly set it up the first time too !



  4. Looks like i got everything i was supposed to get when i

    purchased my NEW LUCILLE.


    IF i was Epi, i'd post a link HERE at THIS FORUM so the members

    could get ADDITIONAL FREE (post paid) "Epiphone" window/bumper



    A sort of... PERK for the active members....


    makes sense to me....


    That is the sunday school gospel truth, that is what i'd do.

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