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Posts posted by 4Hayden

  1. The Planets - Gustav Holst


    The names of the movements:


    Mars, the Bringer of War

    Venus, the Bringer of Peace

    Mercury, the Winged Messenger

    Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity

    Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age

    Uranus, the Magician

    Neptune, the Mystic


    Hoist The Colours - Nightcore

  2. Only A Pawn In Their Game - Bob Dylan


    Lyrical association (and I have to post the entire verse!):


    Today, Medgar Evers was buried from the bullet he caught

    They lowered him down as a king

    But when the shadowy sun sets on the one

    That fired the gun

    He’ll see by his grave

    On the stone that remains

    Carved next to his name

    His epitaph plain

    Only a pawn in their game


    What's Your Game - Ramones

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