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Posts posted by Jaco

  1. Lovely guitar! It is indeed a Heritage Custom Shop Korina Explorer, finished in Ivory White (later changed to Alpine White). A very rare guitar! Most of these were Natural. Some were black, then some red and a small number were white.

    I think that $10K is about right.

    Have you changed the knobs on it? I have only seen black top hat knobs on these, but perhaps there were variations...

    If you can add good photos of the control cavity (where the potentiometers are) I would be able to tell you if it's indeed Korina (99% it is).

    While you're at it, I'd appreciate it if you could make a photo of the bottom of the ABR bridge. I always wondered what they've used on these guitars.



    • Thanks 1
  2. Hi Guys,

    Yeah I know that they're similar to the deluxe model of 72-76 and not the ones that collectors seek for but being from 73 makes it more valuable than the 74-76 the market is flooded with.

    I mean, I haven't seen many 73 ones besides this one and few non original ones....not to even mention a 72 one..

    Anyway here's a picture of the pots with are all from 1973 and the serial is 174*** which says it was made "approximately in: 1970, 1971 or 1972" - the usual serial number mess of Gibbys

    post-37171-083445700 1346829711_thumb.jpg

  3. Hi Guys,


    I own a beautiful 1973 Gibson Les Paul Standard! I love it. but I am not a HUGE LP Player...more into SG.


    The thing is that it is the best sounding LP I have ever played.


    Anyway, I am thinking about selling it, cause times are not easy, and I cannot find the actual value of a guitar of this sort.

    On eBay I only found repaired 73's, shops ask for a 74 4500$ give or take...no 73's I found...


    Is it really rare for a standard LP to be from 1973? I read it was custom order, only around 74 they began to be manufactured in bigger quantities...


    SO If any of you guys can share some info regards the rarity of these guitars and the average price I should get if selling it it'd be great.


    It's all original, in pretty clean condition, nothing changed.


    Also, if anyone got a chance to play other early 70's Standards I'd love to know if they all sound sooooo good...


    Find pic (yeah sorry just one) and demos of it here


    cheers and thanks!


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