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Status Updates posted by yeahdef

  1. yknow why there's kind of a lul in music these days? diablo 3. that's why.

  2. that would be like if you saw a baker putting finishing touches on a cake and you just ran up and pissed on

  3. Still got my macbook pro for sale. Make me an offer. http://t.co/VfUxqw4l


    http://t.co/rCk4VTD9 this channel right here bra

  5. someone, buy my macbook pro - interesting trades welcome http://t.co/VfUxqw4l


    http://t.co/MiEcdP22 beavis and butthead watch it's so cold in the d


    http://t.co/zN0DnHRS i need to get this acapella

  8. the scifi genre will never dispense with the exploding head scene. I'm ok with that.


    #Denton! I've been djing in you for ten years! thanks for treating me so well!

  10. i think i found my new 'do http://t.co/yaCDV8Zx

  11. kegs + code 2012 // think you're a top notch programmer? prove it and win $500. also, I'm djing the afterparty // FREE https://t.co/pH7t6RWM

  12. if you do this, i won't play out your track http://t.co/8M2QCWbJ

  13. trippin on sunshine

  14. I'm finna crank dat leave work early

  15. this Stanton all-in-one is turnin out to be pretty cool. missing my gain knobs though. full review coming soon. http://t.co/jznpuglH

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